I've had endep as well. Makes me drowsy as fuck. Doc tried to up my dose but I was a walking zombie all day. It didn't get rid of my pain but reduced it a little.
Good luck with the recovery
Positive to at least get the cast off mate. Especially in the heat!Follow up with the hand therapist today. Cast is finally off....yay! But still a long uphill road ahead.
I have about 3 hours of finger and hand exercises to do each day as well as massage my scar tissue 3 times a day for 10 min
Its a full time job this rehab. Can still only can just move my fingers. Index and thumb have no sensation at all.
I have to wear this silicone gel sheet over my scar every night. It is suppose to help heal the scar tissue and soften it.
One reason why I cant completely move my fingers is that the tendons snag on the hard scar tissue. But this should improve over time...
Thanks mate. The rehab is a really like a full time job at the momentHave had some good improvement this week.I can now roll my fingers around my dumbbell. I can only lift 5kg max at the moment.But ever so slightly I am getting more movement.Still another 4 weeks until everything is fully healed then I can increase weight and exercise volume.Hey BFG, good to see you comming along.If you haven't figured it out yet, 2nd to the pain and annoyance of the injury itself, is the painstaking rehab. This is the bit that takes ages and your diligence and effort now will offer you the best possible outcome at the end. Scar tissue is a nasty byproduct of the body repairing and protecting itself. Unfortunately the scar tissue can only be broken down through manual manipulation. I'm sure as your rehab continues over the comming months the physio will become more intense and often very painful. I'm sure you've been told all this, but I just want to remind you to keep smashing out all your prescribed exercises to their letter, as tedious, boring and painful as it is.