Super M0derator
I heard that too, sad though. Since he has a 680 total. And trent is sporting a 800 total. Damn, that kid has some work to do.
I heard theres a splinter cell operation in the works for him to open up ptc perth.
I heard that too, sad though. Since he has a 680 total. And trent is sporting a 800 total. Damn, that kid has some work to do.
lol. :dptc sydney has to be the shittest gym around. If it wasn't for that sexy mma trainer, then no one would even come. Fuck that guys a legend.
Why Perth? Is the course here better? Or was he from here originally?
Speaking to him about it the other week he said after talking to some people, they recommended Perth because the uni had quality staff involved in the program.
Edith Cowan?
Big Raymond came to PTC syd last saturday to join up with and get some tips on his deadlifts and to compete at PL.. he only has trained at commercial gyms for the last year. Here he is pulling 250kg. Just needs work on the setup.
PTC Sydney - Raymond 250kg Deadlift.wmv - YouTube