28th July 2012
A steady flow of athletes today with never a dull moment. Business as usual on Saturday with everyone pushing out their respective programs.
Who was in?
* Dobrilla "Dub a Dee - Paul has had her deadlifting for a couple of weeks now and she's a natural. Today she completed a 3x4 set at 70kg ad really it was light weight.
* Alex "Mr 10x10" - Quiet but works hard... has been on a soup diet this week he tells me and has lost a few kilos and feels weaker.... EAT SOME REAL FOOD MATE!
* Hannah "Montana?" - This was Hannahs first session and she's pretty keen to learn the ropes and focus on strength training. She is in our bench comp next week as a first timer so I spent time with her today going through the lift specifics. She also completed a 5x5 at 40kg.
* Dan "shanks" - Definitely one of our most promising athletes and one to look out for in the next few years. Looking more and more solid and strong as the weeks roll on.
* Kurt "Mr K" - Back to PTC to finally get into a rhythm and put some consistency back into training. Today he started his 220kg Squat PPP.
* Mario "Brothers?" - Is interested in progressing into oly lifting so Aaron has him on a new program to help get him there. Get those thousands of technique reps in!
* "Princess" Fiona - When Fiona walked in I thought it was Nina Markopolous, an absolute splitting image. Fiona came in to register for the bench comp and I also went through the competition lift with her.
* Paul "Thommo" - The usual deadlift 5/3/1 day for Thommo. He is on his 3rd week and on his final set managed 150kg for 3 but had more in the tank.
* Dave "wingman" - In today for some GPP work... his foot seems to have pulled up ok - good!
* Anthony "The Pastor" - "Dan I got a slight twinge in my trap when doing my military press, should I keep going?"... "Roll it out, man up and finish the sets"... (10 min later).... "Dan, I finished no problem, wasn't even an issue"
* Kapish "You Understand?" - Learning new movements and pushing boundaries, nice.
* Spencer "Mr Football" - In for the usual carnage... experienced and focused.
* Dan "danimal" - Mainly foam/ball rolling with a little bench work.
* Paul "Rucc" - Deadlift PPP + Assistance. Looking stronger all the time.... put 210kg on the bar already.
Next weekend is our bench comp and it's shaping up to be solid with about 20 competitors. We have a cool looking custom made trophies ready to hand out to the eventual winners - good luck all!
If you are not busy next Sunday (5th Aug), come down and check it out! The action starts from 11am... free entry and a great day out.
Over and out... rest time.
... Dan