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PTC Perth - Whats happening?


Their may have only been 5 people in last night but I managed to talk/educate and train till 9:30! lol

Dee had the eye of the tiger and cruised through her workout getting ready for the bench comp!

The Asian invasion "matt" taught the squat rack a lesson! Looking strong buddy.

Olivia "The Newbie" came in for a 1-1. with the goal of competing next year in a fitness figure comp. She trains hard and learns VERY quickly 1st deadliest last night and easily ripped up 90kg BOOOOOM! Than we showed her what we do for cardio PROWLER & ROPES She loved the atmosphere and will be back to join!

Mario was last in the door at 8:30 and is my first Olympic Weightlifting student at PTC. We have changed his program up so he can learn to lift heavy shit FAST!

I Joined in with Mario and smashed out some light Front SQ, push presses, Clean Grip Deads, power jump shrugs, full cleans, super mans and some russian twists. Felt good to get some blood in the muscles again.

Stay Strong

Aaron Doyle

It's all about having a good teacher!! I am still smiling about lifting that much even if my form wasnt tip top

And yes loved the atmosphere wasnt so keen on the ropes but im sure you guessed that from the dagger looks! ... good with the bad though right? haha

Thanks again looking forward to next time!
Come down when theres 10 or more lifters in there squatting, now thats a sight to see!

Glad you enjoyed the session Olivia!

One of the busiest nights we've had, 14 people training. We ran out of bars, so were ordering more.

Frenchy, Matt, Spencer, Kurt, Ricky, Johnny, Perry, Dave, Anthony, Dan and myself trained.

Early in the night I had a new guy Andrew in for a 1-1 coaching session. Hes a FIFO worker on a 3-1 and will be coming to do a 1-1 on each r&r swing. Last night I coached his through the squat, deadlift, overhead press and bench press. Hes going to practice all the new ques on site then come back for more.

Michael and Daryn came in for a casual, to try the facility out. Michael is TALL and weighed around 105kg, hes done mainly olympic lifting. Last night is power cleaned up to 140kg, power snatched to 90kg. Strong lad. Both liked the gym and were pretty sure Mich will be joining.

Also ordered twenty, 20kg weight plates this morning so hopefully we have those ASAP.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nuA1AGwJ9w]Matt White 180mm Block Pulls - 160kg x 3 - YouTube[/ame]

Im stuffed, over and out.

In da club tonight we had:

D was the first person in and thank god cause it was getting cold in here! She completed her 3x20 Goblet SQ and we worked on her bench technique tweaked and BAM stronger in seconds!

Joey walked in the door 5kg bigger than when I last saw him, dedication and sticking to the program dies wonders! It's refreshing to see a guy take just as long on his pre and post smr/mobility work than his actual workout! No fucking around here just pure professionals!

Thommo "The Tank" brushed off a hard week at work and pushed his way through a solid workout. It's times like this that make us stronger mate....good sesh

"Kamikaze" (Matt Mai) who is looking bigger and stronger than ever hitting his SQ/DL/Military Workout hard....Good pulling tonight Bro

Mario had his 2nd day of his new Oly lifting program...just groovin the moves for now but soon you can throw the iron around!

A good night had by all, and thanks for listening to me talk and letting me coach you guys. it's great to see people so eager and willing to learn!

Don't forget your PTC protein next time your in $60 for 2kgs!

Stay strong

Last edited:
27th July 2012

Well this Friday night crew is growing every week and it's great to see a few new faces.

Welcome to our new member Michael - an olympic lifter who's looking to refine and fine tune his technique and get into the right environment. Michael weighs around 103kg and I've seen him power clean 140kg and snatch near on 100kg - a strong lad. With some coaching and the right programming he is going to do really well.

Two casual visitors from a X-Fit gym in Perth. Simon and Nelson loved the gym and atmosphere - something tells me we haven't seen the last of these two.

OK, so this is the part we all want to know... who was in?

* Joey "The Boxer" - has had a couple of weeks off due to some soreness. Nothing wrong with a short rest... good to see Joey back and focused.
* Ricky and Johnny "The Bash Brothers" - Rick has been sick with a virus but from what I could tell tonight he's at 80-90% of his usual intensity.
* Dave "wingman" - Starting to hit some walls now, which isn not a bad thing! Time to start digging dip... this is what strength training is about!
* Dan "Danimal" - Deadlift PPP + Assistance
* Michael "Mr Oly Lifter" - Still excited to be at PTC so had his hands on a lot tonight. Saw him snatch, log press and more!
* Dan "shanks" - Deadlift PPP + Assistance. Looking very strong, see below of his 225kg x 3 deadlift set.
* Rob "New Shoes" - sporting faulous new Nike Romaleos, Rob also hit a barrier tonight with his squat. Like Dave it's time to dip deep!
* Ando - came in to register for the bench comp and wants to get strong so is coming in for a session next Monday. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of him.
* Simon and Nelson - a couple of X-Fit guys came in for a session. We had a nice chuckle about WADS and kipping pullups. haha

At PTC all the athletes are friends and there's nothing better than an environment that encourages more than just training together. Tomorrow night we have our first members night out... and of course it's at Nandos. There's a few of us heading down to Nandos for a killer feed!

A couple of videos tonight... one of Dan "shanks" 225kx3 Deadlift and a light weight set by Ricky (for him) of 145kg x 5 Deadlifts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y2GQs4jChE]Dan "shanks" Deadlift PPP Week 4 - 225kg x 3 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y2GQs4jChE]Dan "shanks" Deadlift PPP Week 4 - 225kg x 3 - YouTube[/ame]

... Dan
28th July 2012

A steady flow of athletes today with never a dull moment. Business as usual on Saturday with everyone pushing out their respective programs.

Who was in?

* Dobrilla "Dub a Dee - Paul has had her deadlifting for a couple of weeks now and she's a natural. Today she completed a 3x4 set at 70kg ad really it was light weight.
* Alex "Mr 10x10" - Quiet but works hard... has been on a soup diet this week he tells me and has lost a few kilos and feels weaker.... EAT SOME REAL FOOD MATE!
* Hannah "Montana?" - This was Hannahs first session and she's pretty keen to learn the ropes and focus on strength training. She is in our bench comp next week as a first timer so I spent time with her today going through the lift specifics. She also completed a 5x5 at 40kg.
* Dan "shanks" - Definitely one of our most promising athletes and one to look out for in the next few years. Looking more and more solid and strong as the weeks roll on.
* Kurt "Mr K" - Back to PTC to finally get into a rhythm and put some consistency back into training. Today he started his 220kg Squat PPP.
* Mario "Brothers?" - Is interested in progressing into oly lifting so Aaron has him on a new program to help get him there. Get those thousands of technique reps in!
* "Princess" Fiona - When Fiona walked in I thought it was Nina Markopolous, an absolute splitting image. Fiona came in to register for the bench comp and I also went through the competition lift with her.
* Paul "Thommo" - The usual deadlift 5/3/1 day for Thommo. He is on his 3rd week and on his final set managed 150kg for 3 but had more in the tank.
* Dave "wingman" - In today for some GPP work... his foot seems to have pulled up ok - good!
* Anthony "The Pastor" - "Dan I got a slight twinge in my trap when doing my military press, should I keep going?"... "Roll it out, man up and finish the sets"... (10 min later).... "Dan, I finished no problem, wasn't even an issue"
* Kapish "You Understand?" - Learning new movements and pushing boundaries, nice.
* Spencer "Mr Football" - In for the usual carnage... experienced and focused.
* Dan "danimal" - Mainly foam/ball rolling with a little bench work.
* Paul "Rucc" - Deadlift PPP + Assistance. Looking stronger all the time.... put 210kg on the bar already.

Next weekend is our bench comp and it's shaping up to be solid with about 20 competitors. We have a cool looking custom made trophies ready to hand out to the eventual winners - good luck all!

If you are not busy next Sunday (5th Aug), come down and check it out! The action starts from 11am... free entry and a great day out.

Over and out... rest time.

... Dan

Dan Shanks completed week 4 of his squat PPP, taking him to 200kgx3, speed sumos to 145kg, 37.5kg incline DB press and plate raises.

Spencer benched to 67.5kgx5x5, dipped, chinned, pressed and did some conditioning work, then went to coach football.

Rob did 20 rep squats with 75kg .. twice, benched to 80kg, Mped to 45kg, dipped and chinned.

Ricky and Johnyy back in shape now, Ricky squatted to 125kg, MPed to 62.5kg and finished with weighted pull ups.

Dan Rooch completed week 4 of his squat PPP, taking him over 160kg for reps, then did assistance work.

Perry and I completed week 5 of our squat PPPs and did assistance work.

D, Mr Mafia, Mat, Andrew, Thommo, Plumb and a few others were in as well. Two of the boys bought in their new Nike weighlifting shoes, and theres a few other people waiting on their orders as well.

Had a new lifter come in last night, he would like to remain anonymous for now, but he is a new PA signing, last lifted PA in 1997. He benched 140kg for reps, deadlifted 180kg for reps and box squatted 140kg fopr reps .. easily. He plans on lifting in the October competition, and we will support his efforts. He wanted to compete in our bench press competition on Sunday, but I quickly informed him that he could not because of the PA ruling (your welcome PA).

Over and out. Paul
Cracking night tonight, a lot of energy about the bench press competition on the weekend, should see PB's broken and some big numbers too.

Terry returned tonight and benched then did assistance work. I mentioned this before but he's preparing for the PA competition later this year. He is going to lift unequipped in the 105’s. Terry is methodical in his training approach and it’s great to have someone like him at PTC.

Joey the boxer has been doing a lot of skills training, but its aggravating his lower back, so he’s going to 100% commit to strength training to get his back rock solid.

D squatted, benched and did some other work. I've been taking her through the deadlift once a week. She is going to post some impressive deadlift numbers when she’s ready to compete. On Saturday she repped 70kg easily.

Mat Mafia came in and worked close with our other Mat. They benched and squatted and did assistance. These two young boys are up and coming talent. Don’t upset Mr Mafia or you’ll likely end up at the bottom on the river.

Ricky and Johnny were in and 100% focussed tonight, so good to see. They did the big three with assistance and conditioning work. Ricky deadlifted to 147.5kgx5, incline benched to 80kgx5 and 1 arm DB rows to 47.5kg. Johnny is like a mini Ricky and I’m scarred to think how strong he will be in 12 months’ time.

Josh came in to do assistance work. Weighing around 100kg, Josh has an impressive build. He's opening with 160kg on the weekend. Josh loves being in the gym, loves the atmosphere and loves to help people.

Kapish was in and ran through his programming with the help of Josh. Kapish is on a starting strength program. We want him to hit the 140/100/180 within 12 months.

Plumber smashed through squats and assistance work. James is also in the bench comp on the weekend and opening with 130kg, hoping to hit 140kg on his third.

Dan Rooch did his week 4 bench PPP (140kg) and did a lot of assistance work. His preparation for worlds is coming along and hopefully we should have him peaking at the right time.

Dan Shanks smashed his bench PPP and did assistance work. Dan is still undecided about competing on the weekend, but I think he will! Boom!

I (Paul) finished my week 5 bench PPP (120kg) and did assistance work. I’m hoping to compete in the novice comp in a few months, fingers crossed.

Yesterday Markos sent out newsletter 168 - THE PERFECT CLIENT/COACH/GYM. This was the response from one of our members.

“I hope nobody at PTC Perth will take the work of Dan, Aaron and Paul for granted. We are all very lucky to be part of the awesome culture of PTC in Australia and PTC Perth. Listen to your coaches and get FUCKING STRONG!!

That speaks volumes.

Over and out.
Another great night last night! The Facility is really starting to pump out a great atmosphere

The Plumber struggling with holiday blues got himself going again on his lead up to the national strongman titles...looking forward to that 30tonne truck pull!!! BOOOM TIME!

Perry is a well oiled machine, no screwing around just down to business! love it.

Michael has got a lot in the tank, a lot of technique Olympic work with some foundation strength work will see us run out of bumpers in no time. keep smashing that receiving position mate it'll get easier.

Rob or casper we could of called him last night was destroying the ceramic all day but trudged on with a strong will! good work last night mate we know how tough it is when your not feeling well.

Anthony is always eager to learn he is dedicated to the program. We will get him believing in himself and lifting ridiculous amounts of weight sooner than he thinks

Mario progressed through his oly lifting program and got to meet the prowler at the end! With a lot of pain & screaming we got him though 10 laps of the room. Its those times when we go numb to the pain and just get on with it and over come the limitations of ones mind.... it's a big step forward


Bao & Julie: Friends of Matthew Mai came in and joined for the week to see how we run the show down here. They are progressing through the starting strength program which has given both of them some great strength gains.

Steve: Currently a member of goodlife steve dropped in last week and had a chat to me about what we do here at PTCPerth as you guessed it he hates it at GL, and is trying to negotiate his way out of his contract with them. Solid guy who's looking to get big and strong.

Coach (Aaron) well in-between coaching I am back on the floor and have a HUGE rehab program working on some muscular imbalances that I have created over the years. Strengthening these weaknesses will make me stronger in no time!

Stay Strong

Aaron Doyle

Fridays are getting more and more exciting and last night was probably one of the best nights in the gym so far. If someone was working, they had the rest of us around them egging them on, it was insane. The best training environment I can say I've ever experienced - it really does bring out the best in you.

Josh "The Machine" - Squat PPP working to a max set of 232.5kg for 3. Finished with some 180mm block pulls working to 260kg for a double.

Ricky "B2" - The senior bash brother is now almost 100% after his virus attack.

Johnny "B2" - Following in big brothers footsteps nicely and looking good on his lifts with weight going up each week.

Danimal - Deadlift PPP working to a max set of 172.5kg for 3 + assistance.

Dobrila "Dee" - Every week I look over at her doing those goblet squats and that Kettlebell gets bigger and bigger. She's progressing very nicely!

Matt "Energizer Bunny" - This guy just keeps going and going an going. Matt "Mafia" kept up with him tonight and did a stirling job at it.

James "The Plumber" - Loving his strongman training at the moment. James has been invited to compete in the strongman nationals in September.

Joey - Saw Joey doing a lot of foam rolling and hockey ball work... looking a little close with that hockey ball actually I might have to confiscate it.

Matt "Mafia" - This guy is really starting to shine and he's progress has been pretty impressive since I started with him about 4 months ago. Weighing in around 75kg, tonight he deadlifted 157.5 for 3 and then 160kg personal best, not once but 3 times. That's more than double body weight - great stuff!

Dave "wingman" - Progressing nicely squatting 80kg 3 x 10. Fantastic progression from when he first came to us 8 weeks ago.

Shanks - Deadlift PPP working to a max set of 230kg for 3. Finished off with some push pressing and good mornings.

Julie & Bao - On a weekly pass soaking in the atmosphere of PTC. Bao is actually using PTC Perth as the basis for a marketing assignment at uni - pretty cool.

Paul "Thommo" - Used his new Nikes today for his squat 5/3/1 session and really started to look comfortable in them towards the end of the sets.

As you may or may not know tomorrow is our bench comp and today we had 15 or so competitors come in for their 24 hour weigh ins. Some really top notch lifters will be competing so come down check out the action from 11am!

Our address is 3/5 Millrose Drive, Malaga.

Over and out... Dan

Josh - Is a great part of PTC always encouraging and pushing others to limits! He brings a great intensity to the gym and the platform!

James - Came in....ate.....lifted heavy shit.......left! not feeling 100% get some sleep bro

*michael - Mr Marathon added another 3 hour session at PTC might have to get him a bed next to Josh His oly form has increased alot in the 1 week and combined with hi
s strength he be one of the biggest lifters in the gym in no time!

*shane - A walk in for the week he hails from Vic and is an RKC guy and heard that we had a great training facility and ethos... well hes right there!

*anthony - Took some good advice and pushed his weight up this week and looks solid. He has a lot in the tank just has to release the beast!

*wingman - has seen solid improvements in both lifting and vomit tendency haha good lifting tonight mate

*darren hancey - new casual member for now who competed in our bench comp, solid form on all lifts and pushes very hard!!

*Spencer - looking strong with his program at the moment and will move on to an upgraded program in 2 weeks.

*Mario - Olympic Progress and training frequency has been great.....technique all the way baby

*Bao & Julie - came in late and smashed out some starting strength...think these 2 are getting comfy here at PTC!

I tried to pull some heavy deads for the first time in a while hit 190kg ok but didn't have 210kg in me at all! went to some Olympic technique moves and moved my power snatch up to 60kg comfortably.

Great night with some very serious trainers throwing around some great weight. Good work everyone and Ill see ya all thursday!


Dan Ruc rehabbed his shoulder tonight and has strict instruction to lay off it for a while. A safety squat bar is being shipped in so he can continue squatting. Who said the road to Worlds would be easy?

Ricky squatted to 130kgx5, MPed to 65kgx5 did some pullups and finshed on the hurt machine... the prowler.

Robbie Benno came in and squatted 110kgx3x10, did a few sets of heavy UDLs, Benched to 85kgx5x5 and dipped. Rob is going to dial his squat back a bit and work on some technique.

I finshed week 6 of my bench PPP at 120kg, Front squatted to 80kgx10, did a few sets of 80kg UDLs then hit the prowler. Dans made a prediction on my October comp. lifts .. 200/125/220. My goal is to simply survive it.

Perry fininshed week 6 of his bench PPP at 125kg, front squatted to 70kgx10, did a few sets of 80kg UDLs and then prowled. We trained together.

Terry deadlifted over 180kg for reps, Box squatted to about 14"s with 140kg for reps (around 65% of this 1RM) and finished wirth some GHR.

D, Jamie, Josh, Johnny, Spencer, both Mats, Nelson and Kapish were also in throughout the evening.