Busy night tonight with a few of the guys coming in to test their openers for the powerlifting comp I am holding at the gym.
Pete came in and done some benching, rows, and KB work.
Steve come in to test his openers.
He squatted 160kg for 3 singles, benched 110kg for 3 singles and deadlifted 230kg for 3 singles. He will be opening with 500kg. Not bad for his first comp

Loz and Dan also tested their openers. They also brought 2 mates in with them to test their maxes.
Loz went 170kg squat 3x1, 120kg bench 3x1, and a single of 220kg on the deadlift.
Dan went 160kg 3x1, 115 3x1, and a single of 200kg on the deadlift which flew up.
Im not sure what their mates did, but Im sure it was around 120/100/160
I squatted 162.5kg 3x4, 1x5, and a single at 180kg. Benched 92.5kg 6x6, rowed and did SLDL.
Matt pulled 235kg for a few reps, 240kg x 1, 270kg x 0. Pressed 92.5kg for 7 triples.
Mike is doing a deload, light benching, squats and rows.
Zach, 17yo, came in for his last heavy session before the comp.
He worked up to 115kg 3x3 on the bench, with the first rep paused. Then did a paused single at 120kg.
He also deadlifted up to 160kg 3x3.
Strong boy.