scott if tara ever needs suits teresa has 6 or more she will never use again she was 45/ to 47 kg when she used then they are all enzer and all have broken w/records 100 squat 81 bench 135 d/lift [3 times b/weight ] they have broken aus records 45 times and w/records 15 times so they know what to do l o l tara might just be the girl to keep them going ?
Wow, I didnt realise Teresa was so damn strong frank!
Emma is girl you saw at 45kg, and isnt a competitive power lifter.......Yet

Tara is my resident house PL'er, but is sitting at about 63kg, so I imagine the suits would be a little tight on her hahaha.
I've been a bit slack this week updating this thread, I've come down with a bad case of the FLU! Its sucks.
On Monday
Matt Bench up to 140kg 5,4,4, squatted 165kg 5x5 very easily.
Kurt squatted up to 165kg x4, front squatted an easy 120kg x1.
Steve is in his last week for smolov squats.... The easy week. 152.5kg 5x5.
Loz squatted 175kg for 2 singles.
I squatted 170kg 3x5 and 1x5.
Mike benched up to 140kg for 2 singles, and squatted up to 185kg for 2 singles.
On Tuesday
Matt pulled up to 260kg
[ame=]PTC Brisbane - Matt pulls 260kg - YouTube[/ame]
Kurt benched 105kg, 5kg PB. Missed 110kg.
Steve tested his 1rm on bench as did lozzo.
Steve has just finished smolov jnr, and picked up 7.5kg in 3 weeks.
Lozzo benched 130kg tng, 2.5kg PB, missed 140kg halfway up, twice.
[ame=]PTC Brisbane - steve and lozzo bench PB's - YouTube[/ame]
Tara squatted 80kg 5x5, 90kg for a triple and a double in wraps.
Swung the 32kg KB
[ame=]PTC Brisbane - Tara swings the 32kg kettlebell - YouTube[/ame]
Mike push press 100kg for reps.
Emma came in for bench and deadlifts.
We moved from conventional to semi-sumo. Her deadlifts have come a LONG way in 3 sessions, Im happy with her progress. She pulled up to a fairly easy 80kg.
We have done 2 bench sessions also, just working on technique, and she has picked up another 2.5kg on her PB there too which is great. Now we just need to work on getting stronger.
Mike pulled 232.5kg for 2 singles.
Zach squatted 155kg 3x4, 165kg 3x3 in wraps.
Benched 115kg 3x5.
Steve squatted 152.5kg 4x3.
Loz worked on his power cleans, which are looking more like cleans, and less like deadlift-reverse curls.
Dan pulled 160kg 5x5 from a 2" deficit.
I didnt train, I still feel like Ive been hit my a bus.