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I am so weak so damned weak i am weak to the core. No living man is as weak as me so weak. wek weak weak... end of rant p.s. im weak.


bowl of oats with milk


quater of a red cabbage raw and a continental cucumber raw (I might have to start checking out the adelaide market when i get the chance)

Maybe it is...

Come on Kindred, what's the go?

Sitting here reading AusBB chowing down on my lunch...

Some leftover roast beef and a mixed green salad with olives and some brown rice. Big bowl of the stuff. Enjoying it heaps and getting a bit carried away. Got a mouthfull of beef and manage to squeeze a mouthfull of the salad and rice in on top of it. Crunch down on the pitted olive only to find its not pitted. God almighty crunch like I've broken a tooth. Now I've got a mouthfull of delicious beef and stuff and also shards of tooth or olive seed crunching around in there. Don't you hate that! End up spitting the lot out, waste...

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lol thats what I thought...

What is the idea behind eating like this Kindred?

It was cheap and they looked like they tasted good.

Ive been reading too much stuff produced by vegans I guess It kinda gets to you especially when you look at some of the movies about raw foods and raw vegans etc.

im not one of those btw im just easily influenced.

steak, milk, oats, eggs are your friends....eat themmm
Meal 1:
10 egg whites

Meal 2:
4 whole eggs - salami omelette

Meal 3:
protein shake

Meal 4:
10 egg whites

Meal 5:
protein shake

Meal 5:
10 egg whites

+ 1 cup almonds, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil

Feeling shit today lol...bad day
1 cup Egg Whites
3 Whole Eggs
3 (small) Piece's of Brown Rice Toast w/ a little Almond,Brazil,Cashew Nut Butter
Pot of Green Tea

Cutting is boring. I want my damn carton of eggs and masses of toast!

bowl of rolled oats in milk
1x liter of juice (oops too much juice)

strawberries ( i only had enough money for one punet damn rip off merchant supermarkets)

2x cucumbers (shut the **** up i like cucumbers)
40 egg whites split over a few meals

1 cup almonds

500g steak n mushrooms

protein shake after training
bowl of rolled oats in milk
1x liter of juice (oops too much juice)

strawberries ( i only had enough money for one punet damn rip off merchant supermarkets)

2x cucumbers (shut the **** up i like cucumbers)

Eat more food and drink less juice.
Hows the fat loss going for you?

Yea mate pretty good - dont really like eating this clean but I wanna drop a few kegs so its gotta be done!

Will still have my weekend pizza though id say this sat
Breakfast: 5 eggs omelette with 2 slices of wholegrain toast, cup of green tea.

Morning snack: bowl of fruit salad with natural yoghurt and rolled oats.

Lunch: Grilled chicken breast and lentil curry. Yum!

The afternoon as per usual, yoghurt, WPC, dinner, Casein etc.

Still not getting enough food into the system though. Trying hard but the volume consumption is eye opening. Got some DOMS from my squats yesterday too. Deep into the whole for all sets and I felt it.

Yea mate pretty good - dont really like eating this clean but I wanna drop a few kegs so its gotta be done!

Will still have my weekend pizza though id say this sat

You will never be a BB I am trying to drop some fat at the moment too, good luck, I will stick with my burgers and no bread though, enjoy your egg whites.
You will never be a BB I am trying to drop some fat at the moment too, good luck, I will stick with my burgers and no bread though, enjoy your egg whites.

Its kinda funny I was dreading having egg whites - but I like eating them more than chicken now because they are so easy - put some salt on them and they taste pretty good!

Steak is still king!
Cheated a bit on lunch because I forgot to bring mine from home:
Chicken, avocado, cheese and tomato foccacia
1 grilled chicken kebab (the stick kind)
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bowl of oats

lunch/snaks (im gonna try eating constantly intead of one big meal at lunch)
1x head of cauliflower (99cents)<raw cauliflower tastes way better than cooked cauliflower.>
250grams of bean sprouts

Kubla Khan mongolian bbq place man i love that shit it taste so good
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You and your veggies lol
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