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Had about 1L of ice cream and about 1kg of pasta n garlic bread last night....

Full carb up bro so I am looking full as fuarrrk for chest this morning so ppl be like fuarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk im mirin brah




But really...

Well I had my protein moosh with strawberries this morning for brekkie but I got up early to make THIS:


Just waitin' for it to cool on the da bench...

and hey JZ, this is the cheesecake...too impatient last night to leave it in the oven with the door ajar so it cracked on top...but still lush inside
Original recipe: http://ausbb.com/recipes/17483-pear-date-cheesecake-no-added-sugar.html

This time I used 300g cottage cheese and 200g low fat plain Chobani yoghurt. I also increased the almond meal to 80g. I'm thinking of topping it with a Chobani choc ganache....good idea hey?

Thought you might all like this take on the old
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I eat cheesecake in quarters or halves anyway so those cracks look perfect to me

I think a choc/pb ganache would be the go.
X 2 neddy!!!!

Arrrrrgghhhh i want some!! For breakfast!!!! Warm!!!!

Omggg you people have got to stop posting pictures!! This started out as innocent food porn....but I've become obsessed!!!!!

Holy fuarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!

Tried it yesterday... definitely disappointed: we have much better local 0% yogurts (Barambah, Tamari Valley and Margaret River to name a few)
Tried it yesterday... definitely disappointed: we have much better local 0% yogurts (Barambah, Tamari Valley and Margaret River to name a few)

Well, hey, I usually get Barambah and Elgaar Farm Organics and I love the latter best of all.
But for Greek yoghurts, Chobani wins hands down..not just for taste and texture but especially for the massive protein content.

i wish we filtered our yoghurts here to ramp up the protein. Aussie greek yoghurts generally have lower protein that the regular type. If we had one that had more, I'd be buying it!

It's easy, buy your fave 0% (Barambah/Elgaar Farm, both of which OWN Chobani in terms of milk flavour), use some paper towel or cheesecloth or a clean tea towel and strain the yogurt for a few hours in the fridge... tada, cheaper, tastier "chobani" greek high protein yogurt
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