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Chocchill and JZ could open up a restaurant with their creations, looks bllody good.
Lovin the look of all that lamb Joel, mmmm, off to Foodland now.
Chocchill and JZ could open up a restaurant with their creations, looks bllody good.
Lovin the look of all that lamb Joel, mmmm, off to Foodland now.

Opening up a cafe for fitness folk has been a bit of a dream. Would love to go to FitX next year and have a stall or something with protein treats and great food. Maybe cooking demos....ah, one can dream...

Pre workout lunch...too busy to make anything spesh:

omelette again ... more chilli :)
green beans
white potato
baby spinach
oat sourdough
grilled eggplant (must rip out plant before it makes anymore)
Chili prawn pizza
Dinner seems to have turned into a grazing event as I continue working at the computer :mad:

A hotch-potch of

buffalo ricotta
prosciutto crudo (OMG I ate meat ... kill me now ;))
baby spinach + rocket
organic oat sourdough
Rocoto chilli hellfire mix
veggie broth (that's different)

but awesomely, I managed to whip up a cheesecake that's now baking away ....

ps can DKD please change his avatar? this new one is giving me the creeps.
yep ate that 2 lol

yep I can see it now...you placed it on an apple/cinnamon rice cake and smothered it with yoghurt...blueberry ... LOL
*figured you out already* :p

I made this ... FTR no mice were harmed in the making of this cheesecake. I have been inspired by JZ's cheesecake fuelled abs so it's back to pear and date cheesecake tomoz.
I used the Chobani yoghurt to see how it would go...seems good. Smells YUM. :D
yep I can see it now...you placed it on an apple/cinnamon rice cake and smothered it with yoghurt...blueberry ... LOL
*figured you out already* :p

I made this ... FTR no mice were harmed in the making of this cheesecake. I have been inspired by JZ's cheesecake fuelled abs so it's back to pear and date cheesecake tomoz.
I used the Chobani yoghurt to see how it would go...seems good. Smells YUM. :D

lol u got it...

mmmmm sounds goooooood!
Just finished a 3 hour, 4 beer, 8 course degustation meal at a killer Thai restaurant in the city. I'm so fuckin full now I think I split my stomach lining


that stuff is the best shit!.... go get some butternut snaps and put then in the oven (in a round cupcake baking tray thing

) for a few mins to soften them, then put them in the fridge for a little while to harden again, then spoon that sweet nectar of the gods into them and put back in the fridge... then enjoy
Haha dam that sounds good. Bit late now tho. Im half a tin down and caramel'd out. Just had the worst sweet tooth craving and no fruit in the house. Had to crack into the stash. Lol
i had a craving for these the other day.... i didnt have any top'n'fill in the house :( lol

try it next time, forgot to mention when you heat the biscuits u will need to take them out and press them into the circles of the try b4 putting in the fridge


that stuff is the best shit!.... go get some butternut snaps and put then in the oven (in a round cupcake baking tray thing

) for a few mins to soften them, then put them in the fridge for a little while to harden again, then spoon that sweet nectar of the gods into them and put back in the fridge... then enjoy

Top with a bit of fresh cream Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I likey
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