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I’ll have to concur with Mick, these high protein foods just don’t look that appetising.
I’ll have put up with the no salt, no flavour, no taste shit for a while, my blood pressure is too high, so till it drops it’s bland shit for a while.
Not sure where you get that from, I worked for minimum wage for most of my life, but I tend not to waste money, have not been on a holiday in 20 years, so I don't really consider myself wealthy.
Hows your water retention etc? Maybe and this isn't a joke, your Estrogen may be a little out of wack causing you to hold a little too much water and thus putting your BP up.
Hows your water retention etc? Maybe and this isn't a joke, your Estrogen may be a little out of wack causing you to hold a little too much water and thus putting your BP up.
Basically a small round slice of ham, an egg and a sprinkle of semi dried basil on top.
The tray is a 6 muffin tray, the ham comes in 4 containers of 6 slices each and the basil i got from woolies fruit/veg refrigerated area. Push the slice of ham down the bottom of each muffin form, crack an egg, sprinkle the basil. Bung in a 200 degree oven for 20 minutes or until the egg has fully solidified.
When i make them again im gonna keep the yoke out and just have the egg white. They make awesome snacks.