A good program and that is lifting weight which includes *a good diet and a moderate amount of cardio if it is not achieved in your weight lifting programming is all one needs to optimise their ability to do their daily tasks which also includes sporting activities.
If one sees a they have the genetic ability to do bodybuilding then their diet would need to be more dialed in so to speak.
I'm not old school I don't do much barbell work, I mix it up with machines I have found that at my age machines have become my friend, the machines I use are one that work for me, I set myself up in these machines to fit my frame, I push heavy weight and my condition is excellent, I don't think this is an accident, I've made mistakes and I expect to make more, and I'm still learning and my workouts don't get any easier all this is why I love what I do.
And I also like to kid around a little, I'm sorry stevep if I make you angry I hope you do well in whatever you choose to do, but I am going to disagree with you and other from time to time, I don't do it to try and prove anything other than to help you improve
*a good diet is one that maintains and improves how you look and feel