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Over training/Under training

either way is stated i dont need to change my workout.

Plus doing less exercises isnt going to make things more intense now is it?

all i was asking is the fine line between not working enough and working to much.

Either way im still growing. im 90 kgs right now. From 70. So stop arguing for the sake of it fuck. hahahahaha
anyways man, u obviously r not going to find your answer here if your going to shoot people down after they give their opinion.
its an opinion after all.

its not advice. its more so your doing this wrong that wrong blah blah.

Why cant people just accept its working and does work?
im not going to listen to a dude who's goals are strength and are not even close ripped.
giving me theory on my workouts being wrong..
When they aint a body builder at all.

if some pro bodybuilder came on here and posted would dudes question his workout?
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You need to first decide what type of training your body can tolerate, over training may harm your body muscles and under training may result nothing. So in order to have a proper training choose a good trainer and let him decide what your body need. If you are knowledgeable enough that you can understand your body then well and good otherwise don't take decision by own.
Designers Blog
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yeh i kinda been thinking this.
Guess itll come down to recovery etc.

Right now i hit everything once a week and seems to be working.
Im about to change my workout up to something different. Move some stuff around and start super setting more stuff.
not changing exercises just doing other stuff to make the workouts more intense.

Rather than stopping and standing around id rather super set some stuff together..

Fuck me , where to begin.
Nah fuck it, let the quixotic ramble (As Andy put it) continue, it makes for pure hilarity.

Drain, try giant sets if you want to add some more intensity into your workouts. I bet that will destroy you [done properly].
Fuck me , where to begin.
Nah fuck it, let the quixotic ramble (As Andy put it) continue, it makes for pure hilarity.

Drain, try giant sets if you want to add some more intensity into your workouts. I bet that will destroy you [done properly].

will do mate.
well explain how itll be more intense? being at the gym for less time?

Im only there for an hour max anyways with my current workout
Less reps/exercises = greater weight. Greater weight means more muscle fibre recruitment etc etc

"Intensity" is definitely NOT a time based thing. I could spend 5 hours in the gym and get nothing done, or I could spend 15 minutes busting my balls doing a metcon or complex and achieve more.
Everything compound i do first.

So if i did less it wouldnt really = greater weight. Cause right now im pushing out the max i can. But that being said the amount i lift has been getting bigger all the time.

Chest - bench
back - Deads
Legs - Squats
Shoulders - OH Press
In regards to less is more for intensity.

On squat and deadlift days all I do is the main exercise, but I do it at such high percentages for reps that I'm close to puking after 45mins.

I do 20-30min tire pulling sessions. They hurt my soul.
how many sets and reps do you do?

Im sure the strength training u do is intense etc.

I do enjoy doing a bunch of stuff. otherwise i find i get bored.
In regards to less is more for intensity.

On squat and deadlift days all I do is the main exercise, but I do it at such high percentages for reps that I'm close to puking after 45mins.

I do 20-30min tire pulling sessions. They hurt my soul.

x2. I like feeling the blood in my nose.
how many sets and reps do you do?

Im sure the strength training u do is intense etc.

I do enjoy doing a bunch of stuff. otherwise i find i get bored.

Week 3 of our monthly squat cycle usually looks like this:
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
Max reps x 95% (this week I got 5 reps)
5 x 5 x 70-75% or 5 x 10 x 60%

I add 5kg to our working max each cycle.

For deads I do:
4 x 4 x 70%
2 x 80%
2 x 90%
+8 x 70%

Adding 5kg to the 2nd and third week of each cycle and repeating week 3 on the first week of the next cycle.

Then if we can breath and/or move and have the time we will do tire sprints of a 30-40m with a 100kg tire. 5 is brutal, 6 is death, we did 7 once and died twice.

I've never gotten bored once. During training I don't have the brain function to feel boredom, or do math.

Upper body work is a bit more varied but is still usually only 3-4 exercises for the whole upper body.
I don't understand the "I get bored" bit.

Most people go to the gym to release stress or to channel anger. You go there to get strong, not cure cancer.

All drops sets are going to do is pump up your muscles and wear you out. Their is no end goal with them. If you like "the pump" do them. If you want to get strong, don't.
Same. If an exercise isn't going to put weight on my squat, bench and deadlift then I'm not going to waste my time doing it, my time is way too precious.

If I have energy to kill I'd rather do conditioning (push prowler, hill sprints), stretch, meditate or read a book.