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Over training/Under training

what im saying is that there will be a point when i cant lift any heavier.
No matter how much i want to.

It wont be due to my workout or whatever itll be a case of i cant gain anymore strength.

Seriously i bench 130 kgs... i thought id never get to 100



thanks for this post.
I love this forum, I really do. But this thread has gotten totally out of hand. The op was wondering whether his down days were due to overtraining or not. That was it!
To turn it into a huge thread about hypertrophy v strength based routines is another example of the sheep mentality that has overtaken the site recently.
There is more than one way to skin a cat guys. I dont know Drain, but I don't think he cares whether he deads 250kg or not, he wants to look good in a muscle shirt, and he does (no homo). Good on him. I'm sure there's plenty of guys on here would be happy to have his build.
More encouragement, less elitist brainwashing.

Well done Drain, keep at it.
i train cause i like the gym and it keeps me feeling active..

plus ive got a thing for girls with fake boobs and look like bimbo's

they like muscles hahahahahahahahaha

I like this post.

A good forum will discuss and share experience and encourage others to lift.
A good forum will discuss and share experience and encourage others to lift.
I don't think any of us have tried to discourage him from lifting. Some of us have suggested that if he wishes to achieve certain things, then he should lift differently. If he is indifferent to his results he can lift however he likes.

He may perhaps have said more. But when someone comes onto a forum, asks for help while telling us he'll ignore any and all suggestions, and then calls us "fat flabby fucks", well then it's time for that person to go on my ignore list.

I have done the same with gym members.
"Kyle can I get a new routine?"
"Yes, what do you want to achieve?"
"X and Y."
"Here you go, this routine will do that, let's go through the exercises."
"Oh, I don't want to do that, I want to do something else."
"This routine will help you achieve you X and Y."
"Yes but I want to do something else. I'm going to do something else, you're an idiot."
"Okay, train as you wish, bye."

I am paid to help people in the gym, so I have to put up with a certain amount of stubborn stupidity and rudeness. Any help I offer here is for free, so my tolerance level is lower.
i didnt ask for offers of workout advice etc.

I asked if people do supersets, drop sets etc and if they seen good results from this kinda training mainly.

Like i said ive said 20 times in this thread.
Ive gained 20 kgs still my start weight

So what im doing is working. But im open to other methods to include with my training..

Doing squats, deadlifts, bench and oh press repeat isnt something im interested in..
Dont feel the need to do all body workouts.
i like what i do now

i like going the gym 4-5 times a week etc
To answer your question, super sets and dropsets and all those different training techniques increase the intensity of the workout. This means more progression than last time = good workout.
i didnt ask everyone to post in it and give 30202020 types of advice..

Why bother reading? hahhaha bored?

just accept for once someone has different goals. I wanna get bigger and ripped.
I dont really care about how strong i get as long as i keep growing till im happy
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seriously this forum sucks. I post some shit asking a few thing's and i get experted about everything. even though what im doing is working..

Coool forummmmm
seriously this forum sucks. I post some shit asking a few thing's and i get experted about everything. even though what im doing is working..

so because u get a heap of different advice, and u didnt like what u heard, the forum is shit? i always thought that when you ask a question u were meant to get answers... and those answers are going to contain different peoples views
i didnt ask for peoples advice about workouts? hahahaha
i just got a bunch of theory to say what i was doing was wrong.

yet as i said its working. I just asked to make my workouts more intense.
read the first posts.

the whole time i said the same thing. What im doing is working.
Im big, im getting leaner and getting stronger.

All i wanted to know was about drop sets, supersets etc extra's people do to make workouts more intense etc

asking people how you can make your workout more intense is asking for workout advice. Another thing that would get people to give you advice on your workout is your comment on DOMS