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Nick's Anabolic Diet Experiment Log.

Cheers guys.

This shoulder is very odd. I'm able to MP without any pain now but strength is not 100% I'll start pushing it now though.

It feels a lot better this week. It popped when I was doing clean pulls friday but it may have done something positive for it as i was able to do 25 push ups last night wihout pain, previously i could only get to around 8 before the pain started.

So short answer I have no idea how long till i'm bench heavy again, but I'll start to test it on flat bench this week.
good work nick certainly leaner then when I saw u back in august good work. guns are coming along nicely aswell must be all those squats.
Thanks guys I dont have any before pics but if you go to Markos' website


And check the pictures of the CAPO nationals and the last PTC comp in January you can see roughly where I started.

Same bodyweight but now leaner.

EDIT: Just checked there are not really good pics. But most of the guys who have seen me before really notice the difference.
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Have you tried doing db presses?? I found they are good as you are not tied into a specific range of motion as with bench. But you are still able to stimulate that group.
Yep tried it, no good.

Manged to get some pushups done last night without pain. I'll do some light incline DB work tonight but will steer clear of heavy flat stuff for a while yet.
Nick... mate... youre looking solid as a mutha fkr.

Top work bud.

If anybody every questions me when i tell them to squat, dead and bench heavy 3x per week i am going to show them a pic of you.

Very impressive!

P.S. LOL at the comment about having a girly chest
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Cheers Jim.

I'll be using your pics for the next prick who tries to tell me they "just cant loose weight"!
Everything is rocking along well. I'm adding coditioning work twice a week in the form of hill sprints. Also doing pushups and rehab work on the shoulder on my coditioning nights too, should be back on the bench shortly.
Posted via Mobile Device
6 Packs are for tuna eating pretty boys Michael!...wait...

Good stuff Nick, glad to see the shoulders coming good. Do you attribute any of that to the mega-dosing of fish oil? I know I went last week without any and my knee's nearly burst into flames. Also coulda been the Bulgarian Split Squats...but I blame the lack of fishy goodness.

You best hurry and get your bench back, or I'm gonna catch up. Then I can actually throw down with you at ProRaw!
I don't think illl ever get a sixer mike, just wanting to keep my conditioning and speed up.

LOL iron I like your enthusiasm.
Posted via Mobile Device
Hey, I was damn close to a paused 140 the other day. I'll ignore your squat and dead, because we all know they're bad for your knee's and back. Everyone know's that bench is how you prove your manliness!
Baloney! How are you meant to impress your bro's and girls out at the club with how much you squat and dead? They wont even know what it is!

But seriously, I'd need between between 40-60kg on both, squat and dead to break even with what's in your sig. I'm assuming with the introduction of wraps/sleeves etc plus strength gains in general, they're a bit higher than that.

Only thing to do is keep training hard see where I'm at by Jan.

How are the carb up's going?