Okay, now Christian, this is just between us, dont tell anyone, but I bet your labcoat has NEVER experimented with over 1 gram of test a week for 12 weeks.
He would have a heart attack simply reading that. It would be deemed irresponsible in his world. Normal to others though.
I know someone who did many moons ago. Big side effects. Big everything. Worst side effect was cost, new clothes arent cheap lol
Whatever you do, dont listen to an ass clown on a forum, listen to your labcoat, I'm just sayin, thats all lol
But if I was you, I wouldnt hesitate to take super physiological doses of test, see if that chases the bad men out of my body.
Please, nobody take this serious, I'm just sayin, thats all.
One of the advantages Drug Gurus have over labcoats is that they dont have boundaries to work within. A labcoat is far more responsible and safe, a far better choice.
Good luck with your experiments Christian
He would have a heart attack simply reading that. It would be deemed irresponsible in his world. Normal to others though.
I know someone who did many moons ago. Big side effects. Big everything. Worst side effect was cost, new clothes arent cheap lol
Whatever you do, dont listen to an ass clown on a forum, listen to your labcoat, I'm just sayin, thats all lol
But if I was you, I wouldnt hesitate to take super physiological doses of test, see if that chases the bad men out of my body.
Please, nobody take this serious, I'm just sayin, thats all.
One of the advantages Drug Gurus have over labcoats is that they dont have boundaries to work within. A labcoat is far more responsible and safe, a far better choice.
Good luck with your experiments Christian