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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

    Please consider registering. It takes 30 seconds, and will allow you to get the most out of the forum.
Name: Mike
Age: 43 in Sep 2012
Gender: Bloke. The hairy-backed bald sort, with some grey chest hairs.
Stats: 175 cm, 89 kg. Carrying some extraneous gut, but don't really care. Hell, I'm married, I don't even need to suck it in any more.
Location: Dunsborough, WA
Day job: Software developer. So I sit on my arse a lot.
Training Experience: Trained on and off through my 20's. Gave it away in my 30's - fatherhood and work. Been back into it for nearly 2 years, but all my bits started snapping and pinging. Could have sworn I was immortal last time I did this; apparently in your 40's you have to know what you're doing.

Reason for being here: Was trying to debug a knee problem. Read about deep squats, on this site and elsewhere. Knees now wonderful. Ego very badly injured. Currently squatting newbie weights, aiming to progress to girly weights (*) real soon now. Also discovered that I have reached 42 without knowing about a posterior chain, or even having one, apparently. Have decided I need to learn how to deadlift. Have realised the extent of my ignorance of pretty much everything related to lifting heavy, and am doing what I can to improve the situation.

Issues: Isolation - small country town. Am grateful to even have a small, underequipped local gym, but the demographic is mostly school mum/elderly/physio rehab/skinny surfer. Am desperate to turn up somebody in the area who's interested in the practice and philosophy of powerlifting.

Goal: Strength, increased mobility, esp. hips. To compete in some sort of powerlifting comp when I'm in my 80's

(*) Apologies to actual girls here, most of whom can probably outsquat me
I hadnt actually noticed this thread yet, may as well tell a bit about myself:
Name: Lewis, or Flash
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Hervey Bay, QLD
Training Experience: about 2 years on and off, never serious training until about 3 months ago
Interests: Well, mainly they include muscle cars (currently rebuilding an XA falcon in my spare time, of which there isnt much), playing guitar - have in a few bands across a few genres including pub songs, AFL - die hard Port Adelaide supporter, but dont mind rugby union either

I joined AusBB because i have recently started working out religiously and adhering to a very strict diet (which is almost never strayed from). I started working out as a cure for depression, i was in a very bad place about 4 months ago and couldnt see much reason to live - it was recommended that i exercise a bit more frequently, and it so has so far turned into an obsession. Going to the gym after work is the highlight of my day and i usually try to drag out the experience for as long as possible. that plus the gains i have been seeing from training properly and eating properly have really been a saviour for me, and give me much more purpose.

So the reason im here is to share things ive learned, share my experiences but most importantly learn from others. I may be 19 and under the impression i know everything but i am very willing to learn, and its an area i want as much knowledge as possible in. Also with money being a bit tight, things such as PT sessions are out of the question so its good to have a community of people that can help me along my journey.

Thanks for reading all that if you did
Name: David
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Location: Melbourne, Vic
Training experiences: 1-2 years on and off, I have decided to take it seriously and train for a competition.
Interest: Studying Psychology, learning new things and hanging out with friends.
I joined AusBB to meet like-minded people and to help me stay on track on my bodybuilding journey. I have always been an indecisive person, I moved from this to that - but I have finally decided that I wanted to do this for my whole life. Bodybuilding is not just a few hours in the gym a week but it is a life-long journey 24 hours a day, it is a way of life. I want to compete next year and I’ll learn everything there is to learn from this forum.
- Name Bryan
- Age 19
- Gender m
- Location vic/hamptonpark
- Training experience (if you have any that is) yea none
so i started a change as a month ago eating helthier joging .
started at 110
know 101.3

stareted gym as of a week ago

- Any Interests. cars clubs box

Hi Bryan, Welcome to Ausbb!
Awesome work on the weightloss so far
Welcome to the forum

Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.

Hi All,

First time forum user.

Been training on and off since 1988. Not a real fanatic although do train 4 times a week with cardio 3 times a week. Stick to the basics, Squats, Benches, Cleans, Body weight stuff etc.

Love the Forum. Hope to swap train tips with everyone. Cheers.
Name: Wayne

Age: The Mind wants what the body can't do anymore

: Male

: Brisbane North Side, Australia

Professional Experiences: +15 years coaching experience, general population, rehab, and pro athletes

Training Experience
: about 23 yrs, started squatting & power cleans @ 15 for track & field, kept going after I stopped running and made a career out of it until I got sick of people asking how to get results without putting in the hard work.

Any Interests
: Life
Name - Breno
Age - 30
Gender - Male
Location - Brisvegas
Training experience - 4 years weightlifting (back after a year break), kids, marriage and all that stuff.
Any Interests - Motorsport, Technology, Lifting.

Hi Everyone, great to meet you all. Just getting back into the lifts after a lazy 12 months off. Been lifting hard 4 days a week for the past 6 weeks currently 5'11 220lb 20% bf time to cut soon ready for summer!

Ahhh Brissie boys

Welcome to ausbb lads! Good luck with your training goals
- Name - Margot
- Age - 36
- Gender - Female
- Location - Nth Qld
- Training experience (if you have any that is) Fell into training with competitive Martial Arts (Karate) Wanted to be fitter, faster and stronger.

Many years ago I gained Cert IV Fitness, Level 1 Strength & Conditioning, and a few other pieces of paper

- Any Interests - I do enjoy working out, be it (trying) to run, train, lift weights. I really want to get back to the fit me. I want muscles back and to get fitter and leaner. Apart from that, I try to do a few other things that a little rugrat lets me do.

Joined the forum looking to get advice and like minded individuals.

Hey, welcome to the forum Margot! You're the same age as me

Best of luck with your training goals
Bella you've done some awesome work yourself! Way to go.

Thanks Groar.

Just been reading some of the girls awesome workouts, just makes me motivated.
Bella you've done some awesome work yourself! Way to go.

Thanks Groar.

Just been reading some of the girls awesome workouts, just makes me motivated.

Good girl! And thank you

Now get in here, get a training log started up and start making some fantastic changes yourself Missy! I have faith!