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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

    Please consider registering. It takes 30 seconds, and will allow you to get the most out of the forum.

LOL, Dread, I've already enjoyed your contributions to the forum so far and after reading this I now know why

Welcome brother, you got a home here, as Joel said you'll fit in just nicely
Start yourself a log Bella, there are a few good logs by the women on here, add yours to the list.
hey guys new here, in sydney
training for about 3 years now, mostly for strength in my sport, not to body build!
Hello Everyone

hi everyone,
i ve been training for 3 years in the uk and aus.
weight is 98kg
6ft 1
im in retrain at the present, which means ive gone back to the start to repair a few injuries ive picked up a long the way.

it might seem strange to some but 40kg is what i lift all over ie: bi, tri, calf, back
you get the drift...

nice to meet yoos
Welcome Newbs
BellaB thaks for your kind words. Start a training log so we can keep an eye on you
Name - Rob
Age - 33
Gender - M
Location - Sydney
Training experience - not much
Any Interests - good music, bikes, muscle cars, MA's/boxing & hot women with curves!

used to lift a bit on & off when i was 16 to early 20's but was never disciplined enough with my training/diet. my sisters ex was a freak, probably the best body i've seen. i think was a pro at one time, always motivated me to train.

i havn't trained in over 10yrs & put on about 20kg in that time, 175cm was 100kg 2 weeks ago, now about 95kg mostly from just eating right. started gym this week on a beginner program, MP, BP, BR, BC, SQ, CR, SLDL & little cardio, looking to drop about another 20kg & then bulk. hopefully by the end of the year i'll transform my body, should have done this years ago.

great forum & info, looking forward to learning more. the internet is a great thing, wish i had all this info (along w/ the music, videos & porn!) when i was in my teens.

Hi all

Age - 28
Gender - M
Location - Sweden

Why am I here you wonder? Well I'm planning on moving to Australia later on this year so wanted to check out some forums and talk to some people who live in Australia.

Would be nice to actually know someone in Aus when arriving

Training for fitness competitions in Sweden. Got a blog aswell. Don't know how to create a signature here though. But feel free to visit:

The road to Athletic Fitness and Fitness Five | Aim 2 get fit! | ShapeMeUp!

Got a journal here aswell. Will start posting tomorrow. Hope to meet some new friends here!
Sounds like crossfit to me.

Kom hit, om de vil. <--- All the swedish l know and im fully aware l didn't spell 1 word right. Oh l know 'fita' as well.
deep, no I'm not trying to get more traffic. Just wanted to introduce myself. Didn't know I couldn't link my blog. You can erase that post if you want.
Name: James
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Location: Canberra
Occupation: Security
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 123kg
Interests: Studying herbal medicine, teaching myself programming and electronics, Homebrew beer, wine and mead. Gaming
Hey all,

Looks like a nice board. Thought Id register for a look.

Stats are
15-17% (est)

Looking forward to joining in

Hi all,

- Name - Chris
- Age - 24
- Gender - Male
- Location - Melbourne
- Training experience - None
- Any Interests - Bikeriding, jetskiing, running, AFL.

Looks like a great site for a beginner like myself, I am looking forward to being a long time member.