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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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I love F1. Pumped for this season.

Which team do you go for?
Welcome all.

F1 is awesome stuff. Although 2014 (i think) should be really interesting, with Turbo'ed V6's.

I go for Redbull racing lol...
74 kgs

Time to get fit again, have been off the fags now for 3 months, and getting some major urges to do exercise

Looking at getting to around 78-80 kg's
-Name : Daniel
-Age : 21
- Gender : Male
- Location : Gold Coast, QLD
- Training experience : Have Been training for about 5 years mainly for conditioning for rugby and have been playing at a high level for 3. Have had a few injuries in the last coulple of years and have been really getting into body building side of the training.
- Any Interests : Bodybuilding, Rugby, Fishing.

I joined Ausbb to further help with my training and to help me to get in the best shape i can be and maybe in good enough shape to do some shows down the track.

Name Sam
Age 34
Gender Female
Location Perth
Occupation houseslave, wife, mother, kids taxi and student
trainig exp 4 years bodybuilding
Interests health wellness fitness

i joined because of my interest in bodybuilding and competing this year. I started lifting 4 years ago when one day i decided i was sick of being fat and untoned two years later i had lost 45kg, then i really started to get serious and fell in love with it. I lift heavy and love it. There is nothing like lifting a weight you didnt think you could. I love the feeling you get after and this is the fittest I have been, even fitter than i was at 20. I joined so i could get motivation and support.

My goals for 2012
To finish off my cert 3&4 fitness hopefully by July. Start uni in a bachelor of health science Nutrition and compete in second half of the year.
Hi guys.
thought id better sign up and get talking to some likeminded people and pick your brains for info!
used to train pretty hard a few years ago, but had to give up my passions for work.
i work fifo as an exploration driller.
just landed an awesome job on a 2/2 roster, working 10 hour days and a GYM!!!
first time ever doing this job (usually working 12+ WAYYYY out in the middle of no where, sleeping in swags and working a 4 week on 2 off roster) soooo, im dead set keen to get my body back to where i left off, and then some! shape, strength, fitness...BOOM!

Name: Hemi
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Location: Reside in Brissy, work in Blackwater.
Occupation: Exploration Driller
Training: Ex-experienced
Interests: MMA, Being powerful and MASSIVE.

Joined up to pick your brains and gain lots of knowledge from the broad range of people and training experiences on here....and to get some decent recipes

- Name - Beau
- Age - 21
- Gender - Balls
- Location - Newcastle
- Training experience (if you have any that is) -4 years of lifting things up and putting them down.

General - Currently slugging through my final units at uni, have competed a few times with amateur bodybuilding with no real success, dieting sucks, lifting big things up and eating big is way more fun, fuck aesthetics.

Knowledge is power etc, if it cant be fixed with squats and fishoil's your probably going to die.

Training philosophy/style at the moment is a combination of bodybuilding and powerlifting. After a months of shit gains and banging my head against the wall doing typical bodybuilding splits, i changed it up to a power, basic bodybuilding hybrid, and love it.

- Any Interests
Lateral raise's suck.

I think you will fit in well.....good to have you on board!
Hi folks,

Name : Jo
Age : 36 (eek!)
Gender : Femme
Location : Brisbane
Training Experience : None

Story : A few years ago whilst living overseas, I had a white cell disorder that left me really unwell, I was treated with steroids for this condition. Whilst I was not a skinny gal to begin with and weighed around 75kg (height almost 5'9) at the time. Over the course of two years on cycled steroid treatments, I ballooned up to 130kg regardless of what I tried to do, to stop it.

I returned to Australia because my mother was dying of breast cancer and I cared for her for two years before she sadly passed away. During this time I was a lazy, fat, git and completely gave up concentrating on getting my health back on track, in 2009 when my mother died I was a huge 160kg.

Thankfully, I got my shit together after watching my beautiful mother fade away and in the last year I have managed to shed 68kg on my own, with lots of hard work and a clean and regimented diet (good protein, limited carbs, lots of veg)

I now weigh 92kg but feel the need to start toning and building some muscle. As you can imagine, with that kind of weight loss, you lose alot of lean muscle anyway (if I even had any!) lol

I have lurked here for a while and am inspired by those of you who have managed to entirely change your physiques and of course, maintain your new form. I realise this is an ongoing committed process and admire it greatly.

I have about 25-30kg to lose still. And in the process would like to tone and build some muscle onto my frame. I wasn't always fat - it's something that occurred in my 20's by illness and was perpetuated by my eventual laziness to actually do anything to remedy it or address it.

I am focused and on track and have made great progress and am proud of my achievements to date. But my eye is on fitness levels and my overall health, and strength, not just the size of my waistline.

I don't want to get muscular. I have an incredibly feminine form - big boobs and round butt and I like my curves, I just want to be stronger, leaner and fitter.

Any help, tips and suggestions are appreciated as I embark on this new journey for a stronger, leaner, fitter body than I've ever had.

It's nice to be here and thanks in advance for any and all help

Jo x
welcome coal train (gears of war?)

welcome dreadlift

welcome Bella, you will find in the nutrition section you will learn alot off Max Brenner's post and learn about all the myths on nutrition. well done so far on your weight loss. In regards to losing another 25-30kg I would make sure you are not starving yourself like other females who only eat a few carrots a day.
Deep on here is a female who went from fat to looking great
Thanks buddy!

Definitely don't starve myself. I've somewhat mastered the art of weight loss/eating thing at this point for myself, almost 70kg down.

But this last 25-30kg's will be a pain in the arse to get off, this I know.

Thus the reason I need to start building back muscle, I want my body to be a machine, that can burn of it's own accord and feed off itself, if treated like the temple it is - and I'm already definitely doing that

Thanks for the welcome and the advice (have read up on Deep already, definitely an inspiring, beautiful and strong woman!)

Jo x

Well looks like you are having some success already, just start a basic weight training regime three times a week and add one HIIT training session per day, and you will be fine.

Don't worry about losing your feminine curves, this will not happen over night, and you will not turn into a man training with heavy weights. Guys absolutely smash themselves to try and grow muscle, and it is a very slow process, and men naturally are predispositioned to put on muscle more than what women are. So train as hard as you like and you should get the results you are looking for, don't fall into the light weights toning myth/trap may women fall into, lift heavy and do compund exercises using free weights and stay away from curl monkey machines and 99% of advise given by 98% of personal traininers.

There are good workouts here, try Fadi's how to lose fat while gaining muscle program, and Fadi's HIIT Burpees challenge (highly recommended), both of these routines combined will turn your body into a high powered fat burning machine. Also look at the strength training beginners program for muscle gains at a later stage in your training.

Start a work out log to keep you honest and most importantly enjoy the exercise, it is a life long committment not a short term fix.
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Thanks Big Mick

Will do all you've suggested, in fact, am going to start reading up right now

Knowledge is power.

Welcome and advice, greatly appreciated

Jo x
Welcome all, thats a great effort already Bella, I'm sure you will find plenty of support here to keep in going