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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hey... I know that guy!!!! lol Hola, Andreas!!

And hello to everyone else! I'm Tim, from the USA. I'm 32 yrs old, lifting for about 7 years now and working my way to become a bigger, badder beast! I'm currently working to get my weight down by dropping some much needed flab around the middle - the only spot I don't like on me! So far, so good, too!!

Your confused Tim, I'm the Prican he's tha Swede LOL

Hola folks,
Name is Maite, I live in Puerto Rico and I'm 28 yrs old. I followed my buddies over here. I've been training on and off since 2007 and am currently working on my endurance (working towards a 10k woo hoo!) and hoping to improve a bit on all of my lifts. I'm of tha female persuasion. Interests would be almost any medium of art, also enjoy reading a lot, cars, gardening, my 3 dogs, 1 cat and 1 chicken all that comes to mind right now, but we'll get to know each other I'm sure.
Dude, you look like a big unit in the avatar. What's your stats?
Ooo, was about to start a new thread, then realised everyone was posting in here:

Name: ITWidow
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Location: Current London, UK mayb Brisbane
Training experience: Broke competeing viginity with natty fed BNBF in UK last year avatar pic B4 = Jan 2010 175lb & after = July 210 133lb

I have joined Ausbb as hubby may be taking an initial 2 year stint with Prescence of IT in Brisbane, so as I planned to compete again next year though I'd best check out the Oz BBing scene.
We're having a 4 week hol in November to check things out and will need pointers as to which gyms to visit.
Bit overwhelmed with how big the site is at mo, but sure I will find my way around soon. Please do PM me if anyone has any pointers
Hi ya All
Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.
Hi im Tim
im 23 and live in melbourne
im new to bodybuilding ive always beena runner (read tall skinny and runs 10km like no ones business) have decided to get into weight lifting and a bit of body building as a challange 12 months to see what I can do im in the process of hunting down a squat rack/cage and other bits and pieces atm
What's up guys.

Name is Tones and thought I introduce myself here.

Living in Sydney, occupation research scientist, 28 years old.

Life goals? Be happy

Physical goals? Get in shape for martial arts training with a touch of show muscles!

Current stats - 170cm and fat (89kg). Need to lose 15kgs to be in solid shape for MA training. When I'm leaner I look bigger and at that weight I'm still as strong as I am now. Either I'm not training properly or I've maxed my genetic potential in terms of getting big.

Anyway, look forward to contributing and talking to you folks.
- Name: Alex
- Nickname: cocos
- Age: 17
- Gender: Male
- Location: Melb, Australia
- Occupation: student
- Training experience: on and off about 3 months, used to train in kickboxing for over a year

- Progress:
October 2010 80kg or so and chubby
march 20011 -> 83kg, much bigger then last year.

Right now: 85kg, put on abit of weight and lost muscle, looking to gain some more muscle

-Any Interests: weight training, cars, computers, shooting/hunting
Name: Tomislav aka Tom
- Age: 21
- Gender: Male
- Location: Brisbane
- Training experience: Serious trained for 3 months until i lost my job in 2009. went from 65kg to 75kg in those 3 months, after that i went back to 66kg.
- Occupation: Labourer in Civil Construction

My main goal: Weigh 80kg with lean muscle
Long term goal: Weigh 90kg with lean muscle.
hay all

Hay all my name Ben and i am 21.I live in Adelaide and have lived here all my life.

I googled these forums because i have started doing some mild weights like 2 sets of 10 reps of 10 kilos mild and i really started to enjoy what i was doing and just the feeling of pushing my self. and now i just like doing weights and all kinds of exercise i just like sweating now lol.

I have no real experience in weights just what i learnt of my mate and uncle but that is one of the many reasons why i am here.

I am a computer networking student so i enjoy I.T and one of my other newly adoured passions mountain biking awesome stuff and great for cardio.

My goal i would have to say is just big muscles and toned abs .
welcome on board all , good to have you hear , take a gander around ask some questions you'll get answer to all your questions from our knowledgeable members
Name: Michael
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Location: Blue Mountains, NSW
Training Experience: A few years of relatively serious cycling (track, road and mountain), but i've never lifted before.

I'm here for a couple of reasons:

Firstly, I want to see how weight training can be used to benefit my cycling. My strength lies in flatter races (because I'm 6'1" and 95kg, I'm a below average climber) and in the velodrome. There's plenty of research suggesting that lifting should help my cycling so i'm keen to find out for myself.

Secondly, i'm approaching 30 and I know that it will progressively become more and more difficult to maintain muscle mass as i get older particularly if i'm only riding bikes. I want to lay a strong foundation for general strength, fitness and wellbeing as I get older. If i collect my equipment, learn to lift properly and pay my dues now it will be much easier than starting as an old man.

For the record, I've started a simple Rippetoe plan which I'm squeezing in around my ~10hrs of cycling per week. I'm using crappy borrowed equipment but am presently shopping for some of my own gear and this site has been very helpful for research.
Late to the party, but I brought low-carb drinks for everyone.

Name: Eric

Age: 23

: Male

: Perth, Australia

: IT Management Consultant ( Self Employed )

: Bach. Business E-Commerce/Management of Information Technology

Training Experiences
: Been doing Starting Strength Practical Novice program for 6 weeks, finally out progressed my 50kg worth of Standard plates, just purchased a Power Rack with some Olympic Weights, keen to get into it properly.

Any Interests
: Soccer, PC games, girlfriend, socialising, single barrel bourbon, making money, growing my business, cooking, learning everything

Reason: 6"4', 97kg. Finally want to crush last threads of self esteem issues relating to body image as an unrealistic measurement self worth, body recomposition to a more athletic physique (and by that I mean better BF%, better muscle mass -> functional strength), improve lifestyle and overall health, strengthen core so that my back is bulletproof (6"4', do a lot of sitting and a lot of shifting heavy things = pain).