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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

    Please consider registering. It takes 30 seconds, and will allow you to get the most out of the forum.
There are pics on nissansilvia.com

One of the guys has it as his avatar

If I had the pics on this comp, and I was as talented as Bill Gates, I MAY be able to post a pic, but I find posting a pic on here harder than assembling a computer from scratch.

I've actually signed up to a 5 year course called

Posting pics on Ausbb.


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Greetings all

Name: Geoff

Location: Taree Mid North East Coast

Age: 49

Goals: To decrease BF to 15% and increase muscle

Have been an active member of a popular american BB forum for a few years now and started looking around to find an Australian based forum,hence joining here
I'm reasonably active and have done some weight training off and on over that time.
Started tracking my food intake lately and now more determined to make a difference.
Looking forward to being part of the community
Welcome to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log.

Keep in mind that it's always better to post whatever question that you might have in one of the related categories
hello all,

im taku, 19, 70kg, 165cm, wishing to bulk.

current lifts:
squat: 82.5 for 10
bench: 75 for 8
deads: 150 1rm

i seem to be on an endless pleateu on bench and deads, so ill be searching on the forums for stuff on that, and also injury recovery/prevention for the most part
hey everyone, thanks for having me, im on quite a few boards around and see some familiar faces... looks like a good little site!

My name is Harlz/Harley, i'm a male, twenty years of age from Brisbane. I have little to no training experience, went strong for 4 months although wasn't doing it correctly so stopped going to the gym. I heard about this forum through another forum by a user named 'El Freako' so thought I might join and check it out. I joined in hope to get some more dietary and training advice to aid in accomplishing my goals.

Yours sincerely,
Name: Danny
Age: 28
Gender: M
Location: Perth
Training experience: home & gym on & off for few months years ago

Goals: Quit smoking, build strength overall, be able to bench 80~100kg without looking bulky.

Any Interests: Football (socccer), water activities, boating.

Hi everyone, Im a newbie to weight lifting/training and decided to get serious on training to look good, gain strength and be healthy. Im in the process of quitting smoking and currently lifting at home. I join this forum to learn from everyone here.


Names Aiden
Im 18
Im a guy
Live in Melb
Been training for about 7-8 months now
Goals- Compete naturally and win, and also get to 100 kg with less the 5% BF (long way)
I love the sport of Pro BB, Soccer, and some MMA

NAME: Wayne Howlett

AGE: 30

LOCATION: Hobart, Tasmania

WEIGHT ATM: 130kg (wont make the 125's like i planned)

I joined this forum to get up to date with the competitive powerlifting scene in Australia.

I started training with weights semi seriously in 2001 (21 years old)weighing 70kg, I competed in an unofficial raw gym comp later that year weighing 77.5kg, and squatted 200kg, benched 155kg, the deadlift was not allowed due to the organisers deciding it was a dangerous lift, lol. The arm curl was the replacement lift, i didnt curl very much! My nearest competitor was weighing 130kg, he had to curl 140kg to win, but failed. So there was my first taste of competion, and now I'm hooked on powerlifting. Year after year for the next 5 years I progressed to some notable lifts including a 200kg RAW bench weighing 95kg fully clothed as a junior with no lift off. (i will post the vid soon).

My goal is to do my very best at the RAW Southern State Championships, I have used assisitance equipment (single ply) many times but it takes me out of my natural groove, and it always seemed to be a hit and misss situation, so I much prefer RAW.

I hope I haven't bored you with my story.

Kind regards, Wayne
Welcome Wayne. Tremedous lifts for a first year trainer. I shudder to think what you are lifting now.

P.S - A 140kg curl is indeed a mighty curl.LOL
Name: Jason.
Age: 29
Location: Brisbane.
Stats: 75kg 170cm. (pudgy) LOL.

Used to be a fairly epic GYM junky for about 18 months. Then travelled abit for work and couldn't train. And just sorta go side tracked with other things and lost the motivation to get active.
Have just started to make to an effort to train regularly and eat better.
Goals are to be able to see my abbs..
Never in my entire life have I had a 6 six pack.
hey all

- Name: David
- Age: 22
- Gender: Male
- Location: Brisbane
- Training experience (if you have any that is): Just started at the gym 1 month ago. Started at 85.6kg's. After one month i am now 82.1 kg's
- Any Interests: Turbo cars, basketball, anything mechanical.

I Joined Ausbb because it seems like a great community to be involved in. Everyone seems very helpfull and answer questions that have been asked..

My Goals: I would like to get fit first of all by loosing weight untill 75kg. Then hopefully try to bulk up and gain some muscle (hence why i joined here to ask how)
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Hey Ausbb'ers
My name is Barlo I am 26 and living in Sydney, I have been training with weights off and on for around 4 years or so but for the last year I have just been trying to keep fit with mostly cardio as I haven't made enough time to train seriously.
I weight around 75kg now and my new goals are to get some decent weight on the big three lifts as well as improving my overall conditioning and General Physical Preparedness.
My interests include Music, from Metal to dance and all in-between, motorbikes and scuba diving.

Name: Let's just stick with chook for now .
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Location: Queensland
Training experience: 2 days? I did my first workout on Friday and my next is on Monday.
Any Interests: Do boobies count? No? OK, I am interested in Information Technology and getting big and strong.

I signed up at Ausbb to sponge information and help where I can (that part is probably unlikely at this stage).

My goal at this stage is quite simple. Get big and strong. I am about 190cm and 64kg so have a long way to go. On the plus side my 4.8% bodyfat with a grand total of no effort is probably the envy of many here. I have started doing Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength programme. I like the simplicity of it and see no need to get all caught up in fancy options at this stage when the reality is I am weak and inexperienced thus need to get some fundamental exercises and skills under my belt first.
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G'day fellas, welcome to the forum. Chook you got some eating to do man. At your height you need another 25kgs minimum. Read up on the forum and best of luck with your goals.
- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Location
Capalaba "Brisbane"
- Training experience (if you have any that is)
I started a little training at the end of highschool, after I started working it sort of died and I just tried some home workout routines but never really got into it as much as I should have. But I started back up again back in december, I have really been focusing on my Diet, supplements, working out etc. like correct form and I feel as if what I am doing is working, but I'am still learning of course so I thought I would join up to this forum. Plus I have never really been much of a forum type of person, so I thought its probably about time I became one
- Any Interests
I love my PC games, I also enjoy metal and computers