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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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- Name: Will
- Age: 23
- Gender: M
- Location: Mornington
- Training experience: Taking it seriously since May/2010
- Any Interests: Gigging with my bands, keeping fit and enjoying time with mate and the great outdoors

I joined this forum to hopefully gain some insight into questions I have about strength and bulking up.
Name - Chetts
- Age - 34
- Gender - M
- Location - Brisbane
- Training experience - started strength training 1992. Worked as S&C coach here and internationally until 2008 (BAppSci(HMS)). Finished medical degree 2008 - so now a Dr. Back into training after a year off and loving it!
- Any Interests - AFL, strength & conditioning, supplements, learning from others
Names HIThopper

Basically I just stumbleld upon this site and saw it had a powerlifting section !!! Looks like a cool site with some knowledgeable people on board.
Age- 30 (soon!)
Location- Adelaide
Been training since I was 17 but I mostly curled and did DB press for like 10 years!!
Goals are a raw 400lb squat,300 bench and 500 deadlift.

I have single ply gear and I effing love it LOL I'll set some geared goals once I can master it and convince myself to do a meet.

I dont take supps,well just whey protein.And follow what is fast becoming known as a Warrior diet which I'll detail in my training log...

Cheers mates!!
Hi everyone,

Name: DBEE - my initials actually - DB
Age: 33 (very soon)
Lives: WA
Training: For the last 16 months, twice a week with a PT and have lost 45 kg. I was 114.8 kg when I started, got to down to 66.5 kg, went overseas for a month; now stuck at 70 kg for the last couple of months.
Reason for joining: To get knowledge and inspiration from others on the forum. Have hit a plateau and am having trouble getting past it. Am seriously intimidated by the weights section in the gym - testosterone overload. Have had to cut back to only once per week with my PT (financial reasons), he has given me a FBW to do, but as you can see...I am on my bum typing this, rather than at the gym. Don't have a problem with cardio - and am worried that I'm going to turn into skinny fat cardio bunny. Will probably just lurk and read a lot of posts...
welcome to the forums DBEE, good to have you on board
congrats on the lost kilos , job well done ,
Around the forums you will find a wealth of info and don't forget to join us in the general chat and start your own training diary
Hey everyone!

Hi guys,

- Name - Ted
- Age - 23
- Gender - Male
- Location - Adelaide
- Training experience - 1 year
- Any Interests - besides youtube? nah... haha oh yeah muscle growth! haha!

Well as my username suggests I'm keen to get huge and pack it on! haha! Well I've been training for a while now at uni but keen to take it to the next level ie BODYBUILDING! cool to be part of the ausbb crew!
Hey guys, new to the forums. I've come across from NissanSilvia.com.

26 now, started going gym when i was 18, on and off, few months here, few months there, never really got anywhere.
Started at PTC in Frankston (Melbourne) with Markos back in April 2009. Was 65kg, Squat 90kg, Bench 80kg, Deadlift 110kg.
Currently at 140kg Squat, 100kg Bench, 190kg Deadlift, weighing about 72kg in the mornings.
Look forward to sharing info with you guys and girls.

2008 GSXR-750 Black. Do you ride? I just tried posting a pic but it says i need to have 15 posts minimum on Ausbb haha. I'll PM you.
Welcome Dimitrios Papaconstantinou, glad to have you here so you can share your infinite wisdom with us.

For those that dont know Dim is one of Max's training partners and will be competing at the Nationals
Welcome Dimitrios Papaconstantinou, glad to have you here so you can share your infinite wisdom with us.

For those that dont know Dim is one of Max's training partners and will be competing at the Nationals

Thanks Markos, glad to be part of this site. I'm going to have massive forums and trats by the time i'm done
The GSXR750 is a mad bike, A lot of peps go with the 600's now.

I ride a ZZR1100 i have owned for many years was going to upgrade to the ZX12 a couple year back then seen the ZZR1400 and thought i would wait til a good secondhand one with low k's come about.
- George
- 32
- Male
- Sydney
- Have pretended to lift weights a few times over the years. Always gave up two weeks later after seeing no gains. Right? *sigh* Early July I thought enough is enough and it's time to give it a real go. I started the strength training program and I'm loving it. Not wasting my time on biceps or abs or any of that other stuff newbs like me like to do. I'm going to hit the essential compound exercises for at least 6 months and see where it gets me. Also eating as big as I can and resting up with proper sleep.

My numbers are pretty pathetic to begin with. I guess that just means there's room for lots of improvement.

Picking up a power cage this weekend (or next maybe) so really looking forward to pushing myself to the limit safely.

- Love my cars, friends, all sorts of films and tv shows and reading a good book.

Good to be here.
Name: Ben
Age: 28
Lives: Gold Coast, QLD
Stats: 92kg, 168cm
Training: I've been lifting on and off since I was 15 and got serious about being strong a few years ago. My lifts have gone up and down a few times due to traveling through Europe and living in London for the past 3 years. My max lifts from this year are 200/160/240@92kg (all raw) but I've had shoulder troubles for the last few months and have had to give up on pressing for the moment and dial back my squats. Up until September last year I was running a Westside template but swapped to 5/3/1 when I returned from traveling in November. Since my shoulder shat itself I have also run a base Smolov cycle with zercher squats. As of this week I have started the Magnusson/Ortmayer cycle for deads and will be returning to 5/3/1 for my squats. I will do a 3rd day for upper body work and hit some presses when my shoulder lets me. I train at a mate's place in our newly set-up Man-Pit under his deck.
Goals: Short term - Compete raw in my first powerlifting comp. Squat 230kg, bench heavy again and break 180kg, deadlift 300kg in the next 2 years.
Reason for joining: Wanting to become part of the powerlifting community in Australia.

Awesome lifts Ben, cant wait to watch you compete.

You can only make raw even more credible with lifts like that.