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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Like woah! I thought I'd slip into this forums unnoticed until I suddenly saw my user posted on the thread title! haha

Well, I've got nothing to hide! So a bit about me, here goes:

Name: Chris

Age: turning18 in Dec

Gender: Male

Location: Perth

Training experience:

Hmm, first exposed to the gym a few years back, but most of it was really just playing around and figuring stuff out as a kid, and never really got serious

Any Interests: I absolutely love sport (in specific basketball), and hitting the weights at the gym, as well as photography and music too!

Unfortunately all of these things come secondary to commitments like uni, church etc. so I never really get time to commit to them and get serious with anything.

Goals for training: Hmm, I mainly train just as a hobby and to keep healthy, but if I had to make a goal, I guess it'd mainly be to stay lean and get strong.

Reasons for joining Ausbb?: Referred to by my mate amac38, and just purely interested in joining the community and reading up on all the interesting stuff on here!
Reasons for joining Ausbb?: Referred to by my mate amac38, and just purely interested in joining the community and reading up on all the interesting stuff on here!

Good to see you here mr. ripped, middle name 8 pack and obliques, start a training log so i know im keeping up with you

word of advice, Markos (PTC) knows his shit, listen to him. good man too.

enjoy your stay here man, as i said today, come around when you're free, im always in the mood to lift
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haha alright, I'll see if I can get one started after I get back from my holidays. No point putting up a 1-2week log and then cutting it off for 2-3weeks and then restarting..

I might aswell just wait - I'll still lift in the meantime though

And if anything, I'll be catching up to you man!
Hi there,

  • Name: Sarah

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Female

  • Location: Vic

  • Training experience: None - Just started training

  • Why I joined Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding: For inspiration, motivation & to keep an eye on my husband lol (Joke Ben)

Let me just say there is plenty of inspiration & motivation on here, u girls are amazing & make my lifts look extremely weak!

  • Goals in mind: To learn, get stronger & to have a great body.
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Ben is doing great hey Sarah, you must be proud of him.

Yeah he sure is, I'm very proud of him!
But I always knew he would do well, He is a hard worker & any thing he puts his mind to he comes out with amazing results.

I have also heard you have had a bit to do with helping him reach some of his goals, nice work!
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About time I introduced myself

my name is Andrew, I am 22 years old.

Am an overall cool guy... Very cool. Vanilla Ice cool.

I probably have spoken to a few of you in the past on other boards, so hello hello.

Look forward to getting to know you all better.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Location: Adelaide
Training Experiences: Dont really have much experience. Have done the citybay fun run a couple of times and the occasional run but no weights.
Interests: Fitness, Computers, Raving/Dancing.
Current Weight: 64kg
Height: 167cm
Goals: To start and finish starting strength and get back into cardio

Besides the basic info above, i joined to get some information from the fellow members.

I have cystic Fibrosis so i am really trying to get motivated to get my weights and health as healthy as i can.

look forward to chatting to a few of ya
- Name: Will
- Age: 21
- Gender: Male
- Location: Sydney
- Training experience (if you have any that is): Been training for a few months at home with a cheap bench and some weights, haven't been able to squat anything over what I can press as i've had no access to a rack but should be buying one soon.
- Any Interests: I've loved my tennis since I was a kid, been into the MMA and now lifting and general fitness in recent years. I find finance/business/economics fairly interesting and im studying economics at uni. I like playin games don't think I could live without a bit of cs 1.6 every now n then..

Really looking forward to learning from you guys and being able to help others once i've got a bit more experience under my belt.
Age: 17
Gender: male
Location: central coast,nsw
Training Experiences: 8mths
Interests: footy,chixs and BBing
Current Weight: 67
Height: 176
Goals: finish school and get a job

thats the basic info about me need to know more just ask
G'day all how are ya?
I just copied the template from others

Name: Danny
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Location: Melbourne - East
Training Experiences: Played Footy for more than a decade, but then had to have a knee reco (ACL) in Feb (2010) due to footy, thus hung up the boots. Play cricket at a decent standard, (keeper/top order bat)
I like to ride my racing bike (although not too far, as in more than 50km is unusual, and i regularly ride 25km maybe 2x a week, run (3-4km max, at a decent clip) and weight train
Interests: General Fitness, women, cricket, footy, music, movies ect....
Current Weight: 68-69kg, used to be 73kg in prime
Height: 173.5cm
Goals: Strengthen leg muscles, gain a little mass (upper and lower), but more definition with weight training - sculpt. And fitness.