- Name : Paul
- Age : 31
- Gender : Male
- Location : Perth, WA
- Training experience : Strength training since Dec 09.
- Any Interests : Love powerlifting and olympic lifting, collect and used to drink wine hehe, love soccer, love my kids and my wife. .. oh and Kate Hudson .. love her as well.
Goals : To get strong. Working currently on 160kg squat, 125kg bench, 180kg deadlift.
Best competition lifts : 150kg squat, 110kg bench, 150kg deadlift.
Best training lifts : 150kg squat, 112.5kg bench, 150kg deadlift.
Suffered early in the year from a minor lower back injury, and currently have a torn ligament in the upper back.
I joined AUSBB to be part of the community and to learn and share experiences.