Hello folks
Name: Cheru.
Age: 28.
Gender: Male.
Location: Australia.
Occupation: International college director.
Past Professions: Teacher.
Training Experience: Started training in 2001.
Interests: Power-lifting, bodybuilding, soccer, sex, basketball, cooking, music, travel and all things technology.
Current Weight: 87kg.
Height: 178cm.
Goals: I used to be passionate about bodybuilding in my early 20's, but life happened and I had to put my training on the backburner for quite some time. I continued to workout to stay fit, but that was the extent of it. 3 months ago I started to put more focus on my training and nutrition in order to get bigger, stronger, and to boost my natural test levels which are starting to get low as I get older and my SHBG levels which are starting to get higher. Ultimately, I'd like to get as close to 100kg (lean) as possible.
Progress: As of 3 months ago, I've increased my weight from 72kg to 87kg and have managed to maintain the same bodyfat %. I believe that most of this is attributable to muscle memory as I used to weigh close to 100kg when I was heavily into bodybuilding in my younger years. I also feel that the fact that I have "seriously" started to train legs for the first time in my life has had a considerable impact on my weight gain. I have managed add almost 3 inches to thighs in 3 months which I am feeling very, very happy with (although the chaffing is something I could certainly do without lol). I've also been ensuring that I eat at least 4,000 calories of clean unprocessed food every day, get 8 hours of sleep, train with ferocious intensity 4 times a week and supplement every day with quality multivits, D3, creatine, omega oil, nettle root, d-aspartic acid, zma, and Res100.
Thank you and I look forward to being a part of this great community