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Hi all

30 year old bodybuilder 88kg, leanish. Recovering from a having a hernia removed found this forum while killing time online. Have gone 185/120/215 looking to add some size try and get up to around 100kg for the first time in my life.

Looking forward to swapping posts with people that got similar interests.
Hi everyone,
Name: Scott
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Location: Sydney
Training experience: None
Interests: Freediving, running, swimming, cricket, history
Why joined: ask questions, gain knowledge
Goals: gain strength, size and confidence
Hey all,

Name: Damo
From: Newcastle
Age: 27
Weight: 82ish
Training exp: very little.. Done a bit of training last year. Gained a bit of muscle but also gained a lot of fat.
Current goals: lose a bit abdominal fat and then bulk up again.
Interests: rugby league, rugby union and fishing

Any advice would be welcomed.

Hi guys

Name: Scott
From: Townsville
Age: 35
Weight: 75kgs
Training exp: 10 years Army, 5 years Crossfit and general weight training since about 13.
Current goals: get stronger, much much stronger
Name: G
Nickname: Goji
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Location: Bundaberg, Australia
Occupation: Miner U/G
Training experience: Most of my life.

Progress: lost 12kg of ripped lean muscle since Sep 2012

Any Interests: Kyokushin Karate, Weights, Jogging, Swimming, Thai kickboxing, MMA, Computers, Radiant Energy.

Sosai M. Oyama, C Quinn.

Progress - I have learnt that walking is a privelage.
Age: 28
Height: 181cm
Weight: 81kg
Bodyfat: ~16%
Body type: Mesomorphic I guess but I have a very narrow waist considering the width of my shoulders and my legs used to be extraordinarily skinny. I've since been able to put a bit of bulk on my thighs but my calves are basically non-existent
Qualifications: None
Sports: None
Have tried pretty much everything under the sun but I'm currently just taking WPC and Fish Oil

Diet: Currently doing IF with a 16/8 fast/feed. 2000 cals on rest days (high fat) 2300 on training days (high carb). About 500 cals deficient per day

Past: GF of 4.5 years broke up with me in October 2008 and I decided the first order of business was to get my physique back. To that point I'd intermittently played sport and done a few weights here and there but hadn't laced up my adidas trainers in anger for at least 3 years (only exercise was a small amount of water skiing) and was eating terribly. I would have been about 77kgs at that point but probably around the 25% body fat mark

Short term goal: Get down to 12% body fat
Long term goal: I'll continue to use intermittent fasting but up my cal intake to work on size and strength leangains style

Strategy: IF and low volume training

Training: 3 day split 3 days a week

Current PB's:
* Bench: 90 x 6
* Squat: 100 x 8
* Deadlift: 120 x 8
* Press: 50 x 8
* Pull ups 25kg weighted x 6

(At my Squat, Dead and Press PB at the moment but building back to my pull up and bench PB after not being at the gym in 2012)

Strength and aesthetics

All taken while living in Spain in 2007

Taken in June 2011

Started the year looking like the chubby fella on the right and the left was taken about 2 months ago

Taken 3 weeks ago

Relaxed shot

My puny quads seem to have grown but still don't photograph all that well. Happy with the progress here though, 12 months ago I wouldn't have even considered a quad shot.

Hi Bud, welcome to Ausbb.
Ryan, 27.
I spent my entire life being a lazy fat shit. Found myself in terrible shape (expectedly) 195cm and 148kg. Couldn't run 100m and nowhere near as strong as a guy that big should be.

For the last two years I worked my way down to 110kg by doing a lot of high rep work and cardio and maintaining a fairly rigorous diet.

Now my wife and I are expecting our first child, I've set up a home gym and I'm looking to you clever chaps to inspire the next step. I want to be stronger, look better and be healthier.

I look forward to strolling through the wealth of knowledge you guys have shared in this forum.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
That's a fine rig you got there