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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

    Please consider registering. It takes 30 seconds, and will allow you to get the most out of the forum.
Hey - missed this! Started a log but haven't introduced myself.. so:

- Name - Dave
- Age - 28
- Gender - Male
- Height - 185cm
- Weight - 114kg (%lots bodyfat haha)
- Location - Perth
- Training experience - Just getting back into it..
- Any Interests - With 3 kids (one of whom is only 3 weeks old) my interests at the moment are basically just keeping up with my kids! Also, fitness (now) and marine reef aquariums

I was introduced to AusBB by Semillon (kinda - he mentioned that he posted here, so I came looking..) and it seems like a nice enough sorta place, so I figured i would come and muddy it up a bit with my filthy presence

Current goals - My goals for 2013 are to get down to 95kg bodyweight, be able to do 50 continuous pushups, 10 dead hang pullups, bench press 100kg, deadlift and squat 1.5x bodyweight... They're ambitious, but hopefully achievable!

I have started my log over in the training diaries section, so head on over and stalk me there!
Hi to all

Hello there,

Hit 40 recently and seem to be recovering from injuries permanently Done weights for since i was 19. Crossed back and forth from running which has kept me from big gains. Dabbled with a few things in my twenties and currently on a learning journey with bloodwork as Gp stuffed me with a bad approach to trt. No AI/Hcg. Currently attempting a.gyno reversal with Nolva and looking for new Gp prepared to work with me on bloodwork etc.

Hoping to learn more from members.

- Name: Richie
- Age: 22
- Gender: Male
- Location: Melbourne, Australia

I've just joined the site now..

Hope to hear from you all guys..
A Newcomer

Good Wishes to Everyone,

Let me introduce myself to this community, I am Tim Boon, very new to this community, I want to be a member of this forum by participating in the discussion forum and also want to share my views and suggestion regarding various topics of this forum.

Thanks and Regards
Tim Boon
G'day all, Mick here found your forum via google

Name - Mick
Age - 42 (nearly)
Gender - Male
Height - 180 cm
Weight - 105 kilos
Location - Warick Queensland
Training experience - Ive been working out for about 8 years on and off, started off at home with just a dumbbell , then a gym, then a home gym for about 5 years, then back to a gym, then a year just using the dumbbell again and now have been back in a gym these past 6 months
Any Interests Fishing, electronics, gym

My main goal at the moment is to loose my belly fat I seemed to have got while I had a year away from the gym, I have no fat anywhere else except my gut. I eat a lot
Name: Mike
Age: 30
Lifting: 10 years recent hiatus due to being overseas in remote location.
Weight : 102kg

Was training hard for 8 years before a 2 year hiatus overseas where gym access was minimal so could only get in once a month. Kept a fair amount of size, also lost a bit.

Returned back to Aus, back in the gym and going to try the Dark Side this year.
Welcome to Ausbb

Welcome to Ausbb

Welcome to Ausbb

Welcome to Ausbb

- Name: Richie
- Age: 22
- Gender: Male
- Location: Melbourne, Australia

I've just joined the site now..

Hope to hear from you all guys..
Welcome to Ausbb

Rot in hell.

Welcome to Ausbb

Welcome to Ausbb
Hi guys, been lurking for a couple of weeks and decided I'd join up.

- Name - Shaun
- Age - 19
- Gender - Male
- Height - 182cm
- Weight - 85kg
- Location - Sydney
- Training experience - Started getting into the gym about November last year, so really I'm a beginner.
- Any Interests - Various online games, fitness, acting/drama.
I thought it was drug abuse. Now I know better, it was the proteins all along.
Hey All

Hope I'm doing this right. Pretty new to forums of any kind and YAY finally headed in the right direction with health and fitness =]

Name Jade
Age 22
Gender F
Location Brisbane, Australia
Occupation Storeperson

Training Experience Played sports my whole life, actually considered training only a few months ago. Interested in figure-building and think it’d be an amazing challenge so here I am!!!

Interests Health and fitness, nutrition, pharmacology, sports of all kinds, pole-dancing, the outdoors

Goals To tone up, lower BFP, increase strength, and possibly compete in the future
Joined AusBB Because I want to get serious about building and I think I can get the help I need here =D
Hi Guys,

- Name Weedy

- Age 37

- Gender M

- Location Illawarra NSW

- Training experience (if you have any that is) A bit over one and a half years trying all sorts programs, currently doing a 5x5 variation

- Any Interests Gym,Fitness,Taekwondo/Martial Arts

I joined AusBB because over the last 15 or so months Ive researched and gathered enough info on Lifting and Nutrition to be pretty confused about what Im doing. Questions will follow........

