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Have you ever felt "guilty" or "ashamed" from steroid use?

I'd like to weigh in here.

I respect the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's why we live in Australia and not in Pakistan.

I think the media have a lot to answer for in terms of how the general population views 'steroid use'

Is all 'use' the same? I believe there's certainly a difference between those using for asthetic / cosmetic reasons and those who are replacing or bumping up their testosterone to within a 'normal' range.

My testosterone has been 'normal' for most my adult life. Recently, I had a blood test done and my 'free testosterone' was 7 (quite low). Now, my doctor offered me HRT in the form of a gel/cream that would bring me back to what is generally considered a normal range. Is that wrong? Should I 'suffer' the effects of 'low testosterone'?

Women going through menopause can get hormone replacement can they not? Why should this be acceptable? Is that not a double standard. The looks you get from people when you tell them you are taking AAS are quite significantly different to those you receive when you say you are on "HRT". But they are both the same are they not (in my situation anyway)?? We have the media to thank for that. When bad stuff happens you look for a catalyst: something or someone to blame. Steroids are no different. The difference is: when the media says it's 'roid rage' as opposed to alcohol driven, more people will watch. Why? Because it's still taboo and that makes it fascinating. And when it's fascinating, we will watch (or buy newspapers or whatever).

Am I a 'bad' or evil person because I am on HRT? Who am I taking this out on? No one. Well, maybe my mrs
Absolutely. But the public perception is still the same, is it not? If you take AAS you are harming yourself and possibly others
Absolutely. But the public perception is still the same, is it not? If you take AAS you are harming yourself and possibly others

It is an interesting and complicated issue, as I am finding out in trying to please academic referees with an article about drugs in sport.

A lot of academics consider drug testing to be a waste of time, but others don't.

I should have mentioned that I've also had some issues with radiculopathy for the past 12 months and most doctors have nary blinked at offering me anti seizure (Lyrica) and anti depressants and strong NSAIDs to deal with this issue. And these medications have serious issues associated with their administration.

One doctor even failed to tell me that the medication he was prescribing for nerve pain was in fact an anti depressant. Seriously.

Restore hormone levels to 'normal' and train? Are you insane??????
Eh there is no real "medical reason" to take testosterone
It's more a quality of life thing

Also good spot Genics, 147 098 deaths in Australia in 2012 in total (all deaths)
Correct Oni. But if it's a choice I get to make, I'll choose vitality and feeling 'good'

There are also negative side effects or consequences as a result of having low testosterone
Correct Oni. But if it's a choice I get to make, I'll choose vitality and feeling 'good'

There are also negative side effects or consequences as a result of having low testosterone

Exactly, nobody has the right to say you're in the wrong for improving your quality of life
Really dunno why people care, plenty people on here alot bigger and stronger than me who are natty. Why does it bother you if i juice? Its not like i am beating you
Really dunno why people care, plenty people on here alot bigger and stronger than me who are natty. Why does it bother you if i juice? Its not like i am beating you

I haven't read thru the complete thread....personally I don't care if people juice or not. But I don't compete, I guess you wouldn't be to happy if someone won a comp because they had the "juice" advantage and you where natural.
I have friends who have started cycles in their later part of life...40 plus...I don't know why they considered doing cycles at this age...and it doesn't bother me at all.
As I said in my OP in the thread if its in a tested sport - it is cheating...

Am I missing something?
its illegal, so whether it's tested or not it is still cheating.

Now, doctors giving prescriptions?

I'd like to see list of doctors posted here that'd be interdasting.
Am I missing something?
its illegal, so whether it's tested or not it is still cheating.

Now, doctors giving prescriptions?

I'd like to see list of doctors posted here that'd be interdasting.

What does legality have to do with the ethics of using drugs in sport .

take steroids lift in pa= cheat
take steroids lift in gpc= not cheating

one is ethical the other is not, legality doesn't come into it.

stop been obtuse you coot
Am I missing something?
its illegal, so whether it's tested or not it is still cheating.

Now, doctors giving prescriptions?

I'd like to see list of doctors posted here that'd be interdasting.

I think we are more talking about the use of it more so than is it legal or not - because of course its illegel...I think the discussion at hand is more-so unnatural guys/girls competing in sports that are tested.

I guess if you want to blanket the conversion then yes everyone who is using steroids is "cheating" the legal system...not really the conversion at hand though.
well, actually they were banned in the OF from 1975, except test from 1984, and became illegal long after.

Cycling started testing in 1960s, albeit did not achieve much.
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