Fucking retarded. For starters any drug is potentially a poison. When I buy alcohol I know exactly what I am getting in the bottle, the percentages are labeled. I don't have to inject it. Its effects are well known and well studied. The vast majority can have a drink without ever having problems. You actually have to drink a lot to have problems. Injecting stuff and one injection can potentially cause big issues.
How is it retarded? Every single thing I said in that post is a true fact. Find me evidence that anything I said isn't true, right you can't cause your way of thinking is mentally retarded, you sound like a typical alcoholic piss-head that simply supports the same shit that he's been bread to believe is the right thing to do. Your a sheep and you follow the herd of other sheep so you drink cause you have nothing else to do and your mental capacity is that of a tiny young sibling. If you were more mature then you'd see the light and you'd grow up, but unfortunately society contains too many retarded people like you so we simply have to live our daily lives thinking that alcohol and drinking is okay but really it isn't.
You know whats inside the alcoholic beverage you buy because the government allows it to be that way. If it were the same way for drugs then you'd get the exact same process with correct labelling etc. This is not part of the argument at all, you have gone past the initial point of this debate. Secondly not all drugs have to be injected, hell how easy is it to swallow a pill or rub on some gel? Easy as hell obviously and much easier than having to drink copious amounts of booze.
The reason alcohols effects are well known and well studied is because the government has paid for all this, the same would happen if the government gave the green light on drugs. You have to realise that our government is one of the most corrupt governments in the world, you simply are saying that you support a corrupt way of thinking, this is not a good thing and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking this way.
Its okay to be jealous mate, just come out and admit it and you'll feel better, hell I get jealous of myself sometimes, I look in the mirror and i'm like "shit your the bomb" and then I realise hey that's me, FUCK YEAH!!