I reckon that's good advice, but I'll to stick with what I'm doing for now. Might change to SLDL once I hit a wall with the normal deads.
I reckon that's good advice, but I'll to stick with what I'm doing for now. Might change to SLDL once I hit a wall with the normal deads.
I like to do the following in this order:
Bent Rows
Bench press
Don't think it makes any difference though
You are a beginner if you cant bench 100kg, squat 140kg and deadlift 180kg. I dont care what your bodyweight is, get bigger, its why your lifting. Bodyweight is not an excuse.
I posted this up on another forum a year ago. The pissweak pencil neck poindexters all pointed out that it was biased against skinny guys. Crap. If your skinny, eat something. At the time Max weighed 60kg and wasnt remotely close to any of those lifts.
One year later he only has the bench to go, he is only a handful of kg's away. That sounds about right. If you train correctly, you should be able to achieve these goals in a year, regardless of bodyweight. Not many on here lighter than Max was, so no complaints.
The record for achieving all these lifts at PTC from complete beginner was Vocy, he did it in under 3 months from never touching a weight, he weighed 100kg. Benny did it in roughly the same, around 10 weeks.
Now, if your a beginner, here is what you need to do, for between 3-12 months.
Squat 3 x 10
Bench press 3 x 8
Bent row 3 x 8
Military press 3 x 8
SLDL 3 x 8
BB curl 3 x 8
Do this 3 times a week. Progressively add weight.
If youve been training for longer than 12 months and cant make ALL those lifts, you've been kidding yourselves, wasting your time on rubbish.
If somebody gave you a pile of ****, and said it was free, would you keep it, simply cause its free? Of course not, you have no use for it.
Just because something is free doesnt mean its useful.
You're doing 5x5, your're hooked and you gaining weight. So what was the problem again?Hi guys, I am new to this forum and need advice badly as there is too many inconsistencies as to how to gain strength:
[FONT="]I want to find the right program for strength training. What is confusing me is the conflicting rep ranges used for strength training, some sites say 6 to 10 reps while others say 5 reps only. I have been doing a 5repx5sets program focusing on the compound lifts (squats, dead lifts, Bench and shoulder press) have being doing it for about 5 weeks and becoming hooked. Have been really careful on form as I am new, hence gains have been small but definitely starting to bulk up quickly (must be the weight gainer).[/FONT]
[FONT="]My first goal is to lift my own body weight of 87kg for the 5 compound lifts, not quite there yet, about 85% of the way (arrrrrrrgh), [/FONT]
Any advice would be appreciated. [/FONT]
Hey [MENTION=16675]bozodos[/MENTION]; Good to hear you've had success with this programme. Do you have a log? What weights did you start with? How long has it taken you to get to where you are now?stuff..
Markos specifically recommends against 5x5 for beginners (he may have even posted that in this thread somewhere)
I did the V1 of this program (2x20 squat, 3x10 everything else) for 3 months or so, stalled hard (on a cut as well), so I went to the second version that's on here (with RDL instead of SLDL due to misunderstanding how the movement worked).
Seen pretty drastic improvements on everything, and noticeable physique changes.
Still hanging out for my 200kg deadlift and 120 bench targets before swapping over to 5/3/1.
I've switched from doing squat then RDL to squat, OHP, RDL, bent over row, bench, curls.
Hi Bozodos,
Are you saying I should abandon the 5x5 program and find the V2 of the program (if so, where can I find this program). Also, clarify the meaning of SLDL/RDL/OHP mean (I think OHP means OverHead Press), I am still learning lol.