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Good one this morning

1km warm up run

Hang cleans and press 5x3

400m run
21 decline push-ups
21 second L-sit
400m run
15 decline push-ups
15 second L-sit
400m run
9 decline push-ups
9 second L-sits

1 km run

Good sesh in the sun
Last night session ruined me.
Came inside once done, with a headache bordering on a migraine. Had to lie down for a few minutes to get my bearings!! Lol

Dynamic warmup and then 6 rounds of this

Rope climb x 1
13 underhand pull-ups
33 push-ups
13 Bosu squats

My head was slightly spinning after 4 rounds & getting thru the 6 tested me. Everything is sore this morning which is good. Sensational workout. [emoji182][emoji106]
[MENTION=7082]jzpowahz[/MENTION]; wtf is wrong with Bosu squats? You don't get an arse this big by ignoring such an important exercise

Good session last night

1km run for warmup
Dynamic stretching

4 sets of
400m run
15 overhand pull-ups
15 push-ups
10 burpees
Handstand push-ups - max

Feel tired and sore today.

Bosu squats just for [MENTION=7082]jzpowahz[/MENTION]; as I know he relies heavily on them, just showing the kid how it's done.
I bet all the kids in the street want to come play in your back yard on the rock wall..
Where your neighbours like wtf??

Ha. Yeh C's friends dig it. I am wary of them falling tho, so I end up standing under them the whole time ready to catch falling bodies. Lol
That house next door was empty when I built it. If anyone wants to complain, they're more than welcome to. Lol

Tough workout last night

6 sets of

Hang clean and press x 4
Underhand pull-ups x 13
Ring dips x 11

Sore this morning. Possible massage on the cards this arvo.
Good sesh last night, left my SI joint a little out this morning tho.

1km warm up

400m run
21 decline push-ups
21 second l-sit
400m run
15 decline push-ups
15 second l-sit
400m run
9 decline push-ups
9 second l-sit
1 min rest
1.6km run
That SIJ pain has got worse. Cancelled plans for today. I was up in my roof yesterday clearing out insulation for an attic conversion and got caught twisted in a tight spot. Walking very gingerly this morning.
Not keen on getting in that roof space again.
All our ceilings are asbestos, all intact so all good but a pain if we want to do anything!

Hope the SI heals up pretty quick

Thanks. Feeling better today, at Physio now just getting it checked out. With my history of back shit, I may need a slight adjustment to my pre-hab, warmups and/or stretching routine.
My piriformis has shut up shop, so I need to switch it back on. Apparently this is common in people who've had the same op as me. All good. Week off training and I'll be sweet.

Nice walk at the beach. Checked out a swimsuit photo shoot happening on the sand too lol. Back is meh. Remedial massage today, swim afterwards.
My stabilizer/rehab stuff will be taking longer than my workouts soon lol.
SIJ feeling a heap better. Having the week off training tho. Walking, stretching and getting another massage.
Doing my stabiliser and supplement training for the glutes/piriformis twice a day to wake them up. Only takes 10 mins a time plus 10 mins of ice therapy.
Something I will have to do daily from now on. That's cool. Getting older, footy & judo is coming back to haunt me! Lol
Seen this and thought of you Tilt.
Just need another bar in the front there for your L sits


That's pretty cool. I wonder how big that is.
I'll be giving my L-sits a miss for a while. They could've contributed to my recent back issues.
Going for a swim today.