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So it looks like you swear by the L-sits, based on them appearing in every workout lol. Is there another way to do them if I don't have access to the special handles/frame to hold onto?

I just made those things so I'm still excited about them lol. Give it a week or so & L-sits will be old news. Hahah
So it looks like you swear by the L-sits, based on them appearing in every workout lol. Is there another way to do them if I don't have access to the special handles/frame to hold onto?

I'm making some for [MENTION=3034]Rugby88[/MENTION]; if you're interested in covering postage costs I'll put some together for you. I should have most of the stuff I need in the factory.
Can't you do them on any set of horizontal bars? Even the dip machine handles?
A bit further to fall when your abs give out but still do-able
Fuck tonight was a toughie

3 x 1 mins on punching bag

22mins amrap

400m run
22 step ups
22 push-ups
13 burpee chins

Got 5 laps out of that. I ended up with a mad headache and don't feel like eating
The nerve of this kunce!
Knocks everyone out of the water AFTER doing 22 chins. And then includes a cheeky toes to bar at then end? Fucker!
The nerve of this kunce!
Knocks everyone out of the water AFTER doing 22 chins. And then includes a cheeky toes to bar at then end? Fucker!

I would've sworn pull-ups were underhand. Oh well.
It's all in the head mate. I focused on getting 22, blocked everything out and concentrated on my grip, my breathing and the counting of reps.
Tough sesh tonight. Gee it was crisp out there. Singlet & footy shorts probably not the best choice for training in this weather.

3 x 1 mins punching bag

6 laps of

400m run
BW bench x max (97kgs)
Underhand pullups x max

Stretch. I'm tin-fruited now!! Can't wait for the hugs to get back. The kids have been great but having that extra helping hand is so good!!
Bodyweight only tonight.
Kids rugby training went well for the last session of the season. We worked them into the ground. Lol. They loved it, great kids.

My session

Muscle ups 4x4
Rope climbs x 6
Chins (back muscles still seem to be a little exhausted from the chins/pulls on Sunday night) 4xmax - 10,8,6,5
L-sits 4 x max. 20,15,15,8 seconds.
Last night

1km warm up run

Hang clean & press 6x3

400m run
21 pull-ups
21 prison squats
400m run
15 pull-ups
15 prison squats
400m run
9 pull-ups
9 prison squats
2 mins rest
1km run

Good long stretch last night