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I don't mind them but don't tend to do them often anymore. I would bring them down and then move the elbows/forearms in to the centre at the bottom of the movement rather than just up and down like that link.

They probably encourage better overall delt development than a regular DB press but most people would do some kind of raise and/or fly to target the front and rear heads anyway (as is my case)
If there is one good thing that Arnold did was introduce this movement, the same should be emulated pulling also.

this is for most people.
What is the purpose of the supination during the press?
I'm with [MENTION=2727]Fadi[/MENTION]; No!
Cause I see no value it turning the wrists. ..Supination of wrists targets biceps. 樂樂樂樂

Supinating the hands or turning the hands reduces shoulder impingement depending on the mechanics of the shoulder it can make a huge difference.

just try both ways without holding anything turning the wrist greatly reduces compression of the tendons at the shoulder
Do it if you feel like it. If not, don't.
Spot on Baz. Too many people get caught up in the way others train. Just because someone else is or isnt doing a particular exercise or rep range or whatever doesn't mean you should or shouldn't.

Like Fleetwood Mac said, you can go your own way.

Why not regular DB press?
For me it's all about comfort. Flaring my elbows at the bottom of a press is not good. My wrists don't rotate, the rotation occurs at the shoulder.

I try to pull the elbows back as far as they will go from about half way up. Kind of pressing the weight behind my head. This feels like it's engaging the middle delt although it can't be much. I don't see much point in training front delt in isolation, it gets plenty of work already.

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Yep, one of my favourite shoulder exercises. Usually do lower weight and higher reps to increase time under tension and reduce injury risk.

Most people I see do this do it totally wrong. Probably the same people who say it hurts. It's actually 2 movement.
1. Keeping elbow as chin level, rotate outwards. Most people drop their elbows too low and cheat.
2. Press up like a regular shoulder press. Most people press up from the starting position, rotating while pressing.
I know what Stevep means and have seen people do the exercise this way but I disagree this is how the exercise was intended to be done. Here is the wording from The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding:

"Purpose of Exercise: TO DEVELOP THE FRONT HEAD OF THE DELTOIDS. This is the very best deltoid exercise I know, and I always include it in my shoulder routine. By using dumbbells in this manner-lowering them well down in front you get a tremendous range of motion. Execution: (1) In a standing position, elbows at sides, grasp two dumbbells and raise them to your shoulders, palms turned toward you. (2) In one smooth motion, press the weights up overhead-not quite to the point where they are locked out-and at the same time rotate your hands, thumbs turning inward, so that your palms face forward at the top of the movement. (3) Hold here for a moment, then reverse the movement, lowering the weights and rotating your hands back to the starting position. Don't get so concerned with pressing the weight overhead that you begin to sway and cheat; this movement should be done strictly, keeping the dumbbells fully under control. By not locking the arms out when you press the weight overhead, you keep the stress on the deltoids the whole time. This exercise is half Lateral Raise and half Dumbbell Press, and works both the anterior and medial heads of the deltoids thoroughly."

This suggest it is a single movement push and rotating at the same time.
Regardless to what Arnold stated the key point here is the depth of the glenoid socket to which the humerus sits into.

a very deep socket limits the angle the the arm can be placed, the barbell usually places the arm in an extreme position.

thats the beauty of dumbells and the advantages of the Arnold press forget about the crapola Arnold goes on about in his encyclopedia.