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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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  1. A


    who has one? what is your review on it ?
  2. The HIIT vs LISS Cardio Debate

    A well thought out article http://bodytransformationfitness.com/the-hiit-vs-liss-cardio-debate/
  3. Preliminary training - front and back squat

    Interesting short training doc.
  4. For those who "train".......

    What are you "training" for? discuss, now.
  5. Fouad Abiad

    2015 Europa 1st place.
  6. A

    How many of you do both barbell bench press and dumbbell bench press?

    How many of you do both barbell bench press and dumbbell bench press?
  7. A

    Weakpoint Monday: Bulking/Cutting

    How did you get down to your perfect body fat percentage or hit that max weight you were looking to hit?
  8. deadlift article concerning rounded back

  9. A

    Weakpoint Monday: Back

    Which exercises and techniques do you use to add mass to your entire back?
  10. Sldl rom

    What's the consensus with SLDL ROM; once you go past 45-50 degrees does the glute/ham emphasis all but diminish and move to lower back? Do people think it's safer to use higher weight and keep the ROM to 45-50 deg?
  11. A

    Working out during your lunch break. Share your routine

    1 hour that's all the time you have In that hour, you have to: Leave the office Get to the gym Change into your gym gear Workout (average 2 muscle groups / 3 - 4 exercises each / 8 - 12 reps / including rests etc). Shower/Change Get back to work
  12. A

    Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding forum Transformation Contest

    Back by popular demand is the Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding forum 12 week transformation contest have you got what it takes to take part in the challenge? The official thread and info is here http://ausbb.com/forumdisplay.php?f=108 good luck and may the force be with you
  13. State of Origin 2015

    I think QLD will take back the title this year. Most of their big guns are playing well. Thurston, Inglis, Slater, Smith, Cronk. Where the key NSW players in key position are not. Hodkinson, Reynolds, Moloney etc. I fear. 3 nil whitewash. NSW also gave up a home game to Melb. What the fuck...
  14. If you download, you get busted?

    As the title says, if I take uncle torrence out for lunch and come back with some movies and shit, would I get busted now? :confused: I have no idea what this new rule is about so please enlighten me, and why does it only apply to Aussie net users and not if you are overseas? That sounds like...
  15. Microsoft Surface III, wood you?

    The future of computing is here? I reckon next time I get a PC, it won't be a PC but a pad thingy like this one. It certainly has the specs to back its sexc looks up, dontcha think? Microsoft announces new iPad competitor, the Surface 3 Hook it up to a 27" monitor with a set of Dolby speakers...
  16. A

    got back into the gym today

    woke up this morning feeling pretty energised so thought ok today is the day i get back into the gym after a month or so break the last month and a bit have been feeling rather quite flat unmotivated , was starting to think ok maybe i should go get some bloods done to see if everything is in...
  17. E

    Need help for back day.....

    very much still a noob, but have been going at it for about 6 months now I am getting improvements, getting stronger, my shape is changing and I'm feeling good I'm making progress with pretty much all my lifts, slowly getting stronger and increasing weight. I'm definitely feeling it after...
  18. strength gone after back injury

    So after 6 months off due to travelling the world, i got back into the gym in november. on my second week back i went for a run which gave me lower back pumps i then followed it up with some squats which led to my lower back spazming up and putting me in a lot of pain. due to work commitments i...
  19. 160kg running back

  20. What's happened to lucky hatzipantelis?

    A few years ago Lucky was touted as the next big thing in Aussie Bodybuilding but since then I have heard very little.... Anyone know?