Do you have a BP tester at home Grunta?
I only ask because mine goes through the roof at the clinic so I test at home mostly and give no fuck for the numbers at the quacks. Doctor tests and says "oooh, BP is a little high" after making me wait 25 fucking minutes after the appointment time in a room full of smelly sick kunce and their villainous children, when I deliberately ask for the first appointment of the day to avoid spending time with diseased scumbags.
Its also fun testing after the kids are running rampant, some fuckhead knocks on the door to sell me solar panels or my team is sucking at football.
On average my BP is 120/80, although after a workout my readings have been as low as 115/70
No I don’t mate, but I think I should get one, that wat I can monitor regularly and can balance my life out a bit better.
I assume you can get them in warehouse chemist? Or eBay?
Why would there be an issue?A shake. Yes a fckn shake before bed. Sue me.
Right on brother. Though i think fruit should limited a little.Speaking of shakes, i'm down to about 1 or 2 shakes pw now. I was doing 2 or 3 ed for months, now its just food and plenty of fruit and veges. Gotta have either heaps of fruit or heaps of veges or even better is both. I think this is the most important factor in most peoples diets.
Right on brother. Though i think fruit should limited a little.
Im lucky to have one shake per week these days. Once i get to about 150gm of protein for a planned day im happy. With proteins coming in from the rest of me foods i get to 170-180 easily. Which is probably the upper level of what i need.
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