No way!But everyone isn't gay.
No way!But everyone isn't gay.
I don't hate gay peopleSo you hate ******s because they put the future of our species at risk?
Not really Barry, it's just as rare in nature as it is in us.It's not unnatural. It's happens in nature on its own all the time.
I love threesomes but I don't see what it's got to do with 2 consenting adults entering into the union of marriage
Comparisons to polygamy, beastiality etc etc are complete red herrings
So far the only cognisant argument coming from the anti-gay marriage crowd is from @.gerry
1. I hate ******s
Which whilst morally repugnant, at least makes sense.
Do the rest of you also hate ******s but not have @.gerry 's courage to come out and say it? Is this why you can't come up with a justification for your position?
Not really Barry, it's just as rare in nature as it is in us.
Looking at this objectively, There is no evolutionary advantage to homosexuality which is why it's not natural in a biological sense.
If it was natural and common then we would not have the diversity of life as we do.
So to propogate a species, we need a nut and a bolt, two nuts can't do it.
As far as wanting gay marriage goes, what these guys don't understand is that marriage between a man and woman is probably the most sacred institution we have, so for a very small minority to expect the majority to turn that on it's head is a big ask, so you can't blame or criticise people for not accepting it.
saw a show about a famous mountain gorilla. when they were young, in a group of males, they all worked each other over. They then went straight again when they moved away to start their own families.
Animals also pick their arse and eat their shit, kill their own young, raid other groups and kill their young and then eat them, many are cannibals and so on.saw a show about a famous mountain gorilla. when they were young, in a group of males, they all worked each other over. They then went straight again when they moved away to start their own families.
Animals also pick their arse and eat their shit, kill their own young, raid other groups and kill their young and then eat them, many are cannibals and so on.
You see that comparing animal behaviour to justify certain human behaviour is pointless.
Yeah, but we are animals too. what about Rudd, picks and eats his ear wax in front of people.
no, mother nature gave men and women both testosterone and estrogen, you iriot. check your facts first before you open your mouth.