Fadi thank you for the video.
As you can see i posted the quote from facebook, guess someone else also got it from somewhere else too.
I am not out to spread hate....more so scared like most people at the moment about what is happening in our country and on the other sides of the world.....murder conducted under the belief that their religion is telling them to do so.
Very strong believers in what they are doing will earn them a place in heaven and what they are doing is right.
I've read a story of a man who survived an ISIS attack where he and many others were taken to a pool to be shot, he was shot but survived to tell the story. That story was that he was given the chance to convert to Islam or die.....he and the others choose to die....he is alive and able to tell his story so are some others. see story here:
ISIS Survivor: They Massacred My Village for Not Converting to Islam
To any non Muslim person this makes us all scared.......we have to question do all Muslims feel like this?
then we see statistics that say 15-25% are radical or believe in radical ideas....they may not act on them but they believe in them......Does this mean 15-25% of Australian Muslims are radical or believe in radical ideas?....from the figures of what we have seen of people leave here to go and fight, of 8yr old boys holding up heads of the dead......what are we to think?
then i see someone post a video on here about a 20 odd year old female student where she basically said yep line them up and kill them all..........she looks harmless to me yet she thinks i should die.....WTF am i suppose to think when i see all these things?
And on the flip side of all of this information we have Muslims protesting about the raids.....hell if a group....an "Australian group of Muslims" shouldn't they be saying I am glad the police stopped this horrific event if it is true and the persons are to eventually be found guilty.......yet we have protests!
FUCKING protests about the fact that many lives were probably saves with an overwhelming amount of evidence to conduct the raids along with ammunition and guns found!
I don't know the evidence nor does the Muslim community if ASIO, AFP, NSW Police have enough intelligence to do these raids then there must be something linking these people to the predicted crimes the authorities have linked them to....so again why protest!
These raids are a good thing.....i have not heard anyone say from the Muslim community say this was a good thing...those people are bad eggs in a basket of many good eggs.....no we all saw the opposite we saw the raids then we saw Muslims condemn the raids.
So when a large group of people go to Lakemba train station to protest the raids it scares the hell out of most people thinking holy shit does the "Australian Muslim" community support these people???
Adding fuel to this fire again this is what we are seeing, a foreign money exchange has been shut down for sending apparently millions of dollars from Syndey to ISIS
60+ known Muslims from Australia are known to be fighting over there....hell it sounds to most people there is a lot of support here in the Muslim community for what is going on over there.
So yeah like most people I am scared, I don't know how these people think, i don't know if they live in the house down the road, i don't know if i am safe to walk the streets for fear of being kidnapped and beheaded.
Is it wrong for me to feel this way i don't think so there is huge amount of things going on which are 1+1+1+1+1+1......and they are adding up very quickly......with most things people view the common denominator in this issue. The common trend in this issue is there are a multitude of things happening in Australia, and overseas and clearly supported by "some" Australian Muslims.
This may not be the best comparison but if i had a brand new car say a new Ford and my car along with all other Ford models from say year 2000-2014 all had 25 different issues this would be classified as a common denominator all ford models = bad right?
So when we see;
60+ Muslims joined ISIS
Muslim owned Foreign exchange sent millions to ISIS
Plotted beheading by Muslims
Muslims online/overseas say you need to convert or die
Muslims that claim convert or die is their calling of their faith to do so
Muslims protesting after terrorist plot was actually stopped
Muslims in Iraq killing in the name of Islam
Muslims we have previously seen on TV saying the flag over parliament house will be changed to their flag and the country conquered
Muslims we have previously seen on TV saying the flag over the white house will be changed to their flag and the country conquered
Angry Muslims protesting in 2012 in Syndey violent events, people hurt, bashed, property damaged because of a film made in the USA
Muslims refusing to follow Australia laws and traditions such as the man that refused to acknowledge the Australia female judge because he said she is nothing
I see a common denominator here I think anyone can see it, the worst part is it is all being done under the context of your religion so yes we as non Muslims think is this what all Muslims think.....obviously we know it's not all but then the question is how many will act on these ideals or support them....from what we have been shown it seems like many.
So yes I like many others are afraid of what is going to happen next, if by me being afraid offends you I am sorry I feel i have a right to feel afraid.
Am I weak for saying i feel afraid? No I am actually man enough to admit it, do i think someone is going to bust down my door and get me? no but in general I am afraid for the future of everyone in Australia and the rest of the world, these people claim they want to take over the world and scare us all saying this is Muslim....and we all think holy shit, are there people here that are like the bad guys?
Please also note I also know several Muslim people who are normal, nice and fine. I have respect for them and they for me.
I dont want anyone on any side Muslim or not getting hurt or killed.
Personally I think the Australian Muslim and non violent Muslim community need to stand together and oust the bad eggs that have been involved in the raids, I am not forcing this on anyone but I also think it wouldn't be a bad idea to call yourselves something else to differentiate from the bad ones something like "Traditional Muslim" or new "Age Muslim" etc....this would help create a different opinion of Muslims and would also show who in the Muslim community is standing up to the bad guys and who isn't.