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haha, from memory I checked what most people consider a "board" width and made mine the same. I think they would be closer to 50mm though. A 3 board is what I'd like my ROM to actually be haha
Haha. Yeah just using 90mm id go very close to 130!
45mm is what I had lying round'. Dont need to be more accurate than that. :p
Some great lifting going on in here [MENTION=7738]Timeah[/MENTION];, [MENTION=8962]ride29er[/MENTION];, [MENTION=7082]jzpowahz[/MENTION]; & [MENTION=12962]ink81[/MENTION];. Great work all.

For me today was deficit deadlifts: 3 x 5 @ 130kg for a 2.5kg PB.
105kg overhead squat , felt like I had more in me but getting it overhead is the difficult bit
Nice work mate. My shoulders aren't flexible enough for me to try, maybe I should find some exercises for it.

I remember when I first started squatting I could only do 40kg because that was all I could lift onto my back. Now I'm struggling with getting db up for incline press.
Nice work [MENTION=8962]ride29er[/MENTION]; just getting that weight above your head is a great achievement, let alone then overhead squatting it. Did you get a vid?

I remember when I first started squatting I could only do 40kg because that was all I could lift onto my back. Now I'm struggling with getting db up for incline press.

Do you pop them up off your knees Whitty? That's how I do it, never had an issue getting the DB's into position.

Today I Overhead Pressed 50kg for 3 x 5 for a 2.5kg 5RM PB
Nice work [MENTION=8962]ride29er[/MENTION]; just getting that weight above your head is a great achievement, let alone then overhead squatting it. Did you get a vid?

Do you pop them up off your knees Whitty? That's how I do it, never had an issue getting the DB's into position.

Today I Overhead Pressed 50kg for 3 x 5 for a 2.5kg 5RM PB
Yeah that's what I'm doing, I guess the rest of me will have to get stronger if I want to lift more.

I could find a friend to help but I'm trying to be realistic.
Sometimes your better off training on your own anyway :) I prefer training on my own the majority of the time. There are a few exceptions to this though..
Nice work [MENTION=8962]ride29er[/MENTION]; just getting that weight above your head is a great achievement, let alone then overhead squatting it. Did you get a vid?

Do you pop them up off your knees Whitty? That's how I do it, never had an issue getting the DB's into position.

Today I Overhead Pressed 50kg for 3 x 5 for a 2.5kg 5RM PB

No video was a bunch of us just working to a heavy, need to work on my jerk to get a bigger numbers
Just squatted 151x3@8.5
Beltless pb. Actually better than my belted pb of 151x3@9(genuine 9!). Felt pretty good. Form still a little iffy with my ankle...but seems to be improving every day now. Though in the morning the fucken thing is fucked!! Need to walk around a bit first thing, then do some rotations...then walk some more and down the stairs...then lightly stretch it lol.
Ridiculous morning ritual.