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Is a calorie a calorie

What is the best time to eat my 30 grams of daily carbs r you saying just before bed is good? So when I get up in the morning I have energy to do session of cardio?

For a keto diet you'd aim to keep them as low as possible. It covers sausages and burgers, sauces, etc things like that. I only eat wings, ribs and ground beef and spice it myself so I know that I am getting less than 5g a day in carbs for sure. If I am going to have a heavy session then I'll make my lunch time shake with a little bit of flour... maybe 15g of carbs total

400g of protein a day? fk me.... do you shit mate? Good luck with your digestive system health down the track... wheres the fibre in a 400g a day protein diet?

Would need to be downing psyllium husk like no tomorrow and drinking 10L of water a day to keep your body passing that amount of protein comfortably.

No need really when fats are high. I am pretty much 50/50 protein and fats. I will eat 250g of leaves a day as well, I get them free along with 12 home eggs a week from my butcher because I buy so much from him lol. I have psyllium in my car just in case but never even opened it

yes, I try and get 180g protein per day, 2g per kilo.

Would I get any further benefit eating 4.5g per kilo, me doubt it very much

Increasing the protein increases gluconeogenesis. The body won't just shit it out it will break down everything especially as I take digestive enzymes with every shake I have. So any excess protein is converted into carbohydrate and as I do very frequent heavy lifting with good volume the glucose is used to fill up my glycogen stores during and after training. But this never brings me out of keto because the body would rather put the excess into muscle glycogen instead of liver glycogen so you stay in ketosis while still being able to train very hard and heavy because you're always at least half full

I am too lazy to look this up, but if Oni is on a cut, higher protein in my eyes (greater than 2g/kg) is the way to go. 400g is massive though, my arse wouldn't be able to handle that

I shit very little hilariously. Once a day and I barely need to wipe lol. More protein is always better really. Obviously there is a diminishing return but why increase anything else? You can increase either carbs or fats... but I only like eating the same three things which are all nearly exactly 40/60 protein to fats and protein shakes in the morning until evening when I can't eat brings it up to 50/50. So if I eat more... can't increase carbs because I don't eat them. Can't increase fats unless I cooked in oil which I do not like doing. Can't afford more protein shakes and don't like the lean cuts of meat only the one's next to the bone lol. Only thing is to eat more of what I am already doing... that is how I got to 400g a day in protein

Oni - are there any veges in your daily eating?
where are you getting your fiber?

Yeah I don't need fibre... got on well without it but now I eat 250g of leaves a day, normally spinach or rocket etc as my diet was lacking in some B vitamins and it made me feel terrible so I started eating them lol
For a keto diet you'd aim to keep them as low as possible. It covers sausages and burgers, sauces, etc things like that. I only eat wings, ribs and ground beef and spice it myself so I know that I am getting less than 5g a day in carbs for sure. If I am going to have a heavy session then I'll make my lunch time shake with a little bit of flour... maybe 15g of carbs total

No need really when fats are high. I am pretty much 50/50 protein and fats. I will eat 250g of leaves a day as well, I get them free along with 12 home eggs a week from my butcher because I buy so much from him lol. I have psyllium in my car just in case but never even opened it

Increasing the protein increases gluconeogenesis. The body won't just shit it out it will break down everything especially as I take digestive enzymes with every shake I have. So any excess protein is converted into carbohydrate and as I do very frequent heavy lifting with good volume the glucose is used to fill up my glycogen stores during and after training. But this never brings me out of keto because the body would rather put the excess into muscle glycogen instead of liver glycogen so you stay in ketosis while still being able to train very hard and heavy because you're always at least half full

I shit very little hilariously. Once a day and I barely need to wipe lol. More protein is always better really. Obviously there is a diminishing return but why increase anything else? You can increase either carbs or fats... but I only like eating the same three things which are all nearly exactly 40/60 protein to fats and protein shakes in the morning until evening when I can't eat brings it up to 50/50. So if I eat more... can't increase carbs because I don't eat them. Can't increase fats unless I cooked in oil which I do not like doing. Can't afford more protein shakes and don't like the lean cuts of meat only the one's next to the bone lol. Only thing is to eat more of what I am already doing... that is how I got to 400g a day in protein

Yeah I don't need fibre... got on well without it but now I eat 250g of leaves a day, normally spinach or rocket etc as my diet was lacking in some B vitamins and it made me feel terrible so I started eating them lol

Oni - just a quick question and this isnt a dig, starting something or anything like that - are you natural?
Oni - just a quick question and this isnt a dig, starting something or anything like that - are you natural?

I've taken many, many WADA banned drugs and don't believe in "natural" but I take it you're asking if I take steroids currently and the answer is that I do not.
But I am pretty open about what I've taken and as we all know I took oral steroids when I competed in cycling 5-6 years ago. Also at a few parties my friends played dares on who could take the biggest GHRP6 shot lol and I tapped out at 400mcg the few times I've done it maybe 3 or 4 times lol. Plenty of stimulant use, ephedrine especially. And cannabis
[MENTION=8399]0ni[/MENTION]; your poops must look like possum droppings

You ever seen a dog that only gets fed raw meat take a shit?
Long, light in colour, softish and doesn't stain the carpet
My doge has pretty much the same diet as me lol but I feed him only the regular mince as it is $10 for 2kg and he gets 500g a day. Shits are pretty much identical lol. Not going to go into this much more
You ever seen a dog that only gets fed raw meat take a shit?
Long, light in colour, softish and doesn't stain the carpet
My doge has pretty much the same diet as me lol but I feed him only the regular mince as it is $10 for 2kg and he gets 500g a day. Shits are pretty much identical lol. Not going to go into this much more
Got any pics?
AusBB, where 0ni constantly talking shit has now degenerated into talk about [MENTION=8399]0ni[/MENTION]; shit.

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I think most of the people that criticize me eating +400g of protein a day are morons tbh
I don't know why you'd criticize such a thing lol. Why would you not want it as high as possible? By siing the MINIMUM you need you're simply chasing the loss or averting the loss. This is no way to live your life and train from a psychological point of view

Sure, go ahead and only eat 0.7g/lb because "science says so" in a 4 week study done on muscle mass lol. Whatever justification you need to eat as little of the right foods and as many fucking oreos as you want while still meeting your daily caloric target. I'll be eating my chicken wings while sipping on my protein powder in preparation for my meet where I will be of course be crushing shit while looking ridiculous
I think most of the people that criticize me eating +400g of protein a day are morons tbh
I don't know why you'd criticize such a thing lol. Why would you not want it as high as possible? By siing the MINIMUM you need you're simply chasing the loss or averting the loss. This is no way to live your life and train from a psychological point of view

Sure, go ahead and only eat 0.7g/lb because "science says so" in a 4 week study done on muscle mass lol. Whatever justification you need to eat as little of the right foods and as many fucking oreos as you want while still meeting your daily caloric target. I'll be eating my chicken wings while sipping on my protein powder in preparation for my meet where I will be of course be crushing shit while looking ridiculous

In some regard I agree with Oni here and this is prob the best thing I have ever seen him post (haha) - I believe you dont need that higher protein intake - but I am not going to sit here and say that it isnt working for yourself...

The bolded comment pretty much somes up alot of the fitness industry atm - every man and his dog are into fitness now and there are 2 common trends that I see -

1. People either jump on steroids straight off the bat to be shredded brah
2. People think eating "junk food" is cool and "fitting it into their calories" is cool

All I see on fb/twitter/instagram is the above shit - yes there are alot of people having great results - thats mainly due to reason 1 but fuck no1 just eats clean, trains hard and stfu anymore...

When I see people saying yay get to have 300ml of ice-cream coz it fits in my calories - why not have a extra steak instead or have the fucking steak and then the ice-cream...

Fitness has become a "fade" and within it are a million other fades - the only key thing/s missing is training hard, being focused for the long term and stfu.

When I 1st started training at 14 with one of my mates (both of us still love training and laugh at all this shit) we were both made to feel outcast because we liked to train and we ate fucking protein bars instead of muesli bars at school and steak with veggies over vegemite sandwiches.

I take my hat off to you oni for keeping it real haha...doesnt mean I like you though hahaha
Assuming that the other macros aren't anabolic.

I've never seen a shred of evidence that one macro is any more anabolic than the other though. Of course insulin is very important but carbs are not the only thing that can spike insulin. Eggs spike insulin like a motherfucker lol, amino acid leucine is very good also. I eat plenty of saturated fats

In some regard I agree with Oni here and this is prob the best thing I have ever seen him post (haha) - I believe you dont need that higher protein intake - but I am not going to sit here and say that it isnt working for yourself...

The bolded comment pretty much somes up alot of the fitness industry atm - every man and his dog are into fitness now and there are 2 common trends that I see -

1. People either jump on steroids straight off the bat to be shredded brah
2. People think eating "junk food" is cool and "fitting it into their calories" is cool

All I see on fb/twitter/instagram is the above shit - yes there are alot of people having great results - thats mainly due to reason 1 but fuck no1 just eats clean, trains hard and stfu anymore...

When I see people saying yay get to have 300ml of ice-cream coz it fits in my calories - why not have a extra steak instead or have the fucking steak and then the ice-cream...

Fitness has become a "fade" and within it are a million other fades - the only key thing/s missing is training hard, being focused for the long term and stfu.

When I 1st started training at 14 with one of my mates (both of us still love training and laugh at all this shit) we were both made to feel outcast because we liked to train and we ate fucking protein bars instead of muesli bars at school and steak with veggies over vegemite sandwiches.

I take my hat off to you oni for keeping it real haha...doesnt mean I like you though hahaha

Haha yeah that's ok. I do like IIFYM as a system because that really is the 99% of diet. If you're eating the right amount of calories and getting enough protein then you're going to be fine diet wise. But "fine" isn't really enough for me and a lot of people. When you have that down and are training hard you should really be moving away from the junk and stop ramming crap down your throat. On paper, McDonalds looks GREAT especially double quarter pounders with cheese. I would go in to McDonalds or KFC 3-4 times a day and stuff my face until I felt sick and I really got nowhere and it was very hard to push calories much higher than 3000 a day.
Eating clean though I eat on $5 a day and I can easily smash down +4000kcal in one sitting and still be hungry and the results have been great. 3500kcal of meat works far better than 3500kcal of KFC or McDonalds or Hungry Jacks. Maybe it's just me and carbs turn off my hunger I don't know. Eating keto though I don't really get full, my body just taps out and says "I'm done" lol. And you can get fatter without carbs I have accidentally done it a few times lol. Lamb stew was the culprit here.
Funny that I find the exact opposite.

Eating Maccas and stuff I can eat 3000caloroes in one sitting, and be hungry an hour later, but just eating meat and veggies I am satisfied for hours with minimal food.

The cost of food, much cheaper to eat stuff you make yourself than take a way. I can easily eat $50 of take a way a day without trying.
thats true with fastfoods they put someshit in it that makes you feel hungry and want more of it..

back to the "poo question." if the poo sticks n stinky (obviously inside the ceramic bowl and is flexible does it mean all the protein is not fully processed ? :o:confused:
In some regard I agree with Oni here and this is prob the best thing I have ever seen him post (haha) - I believe you dont need that higher protein intake - but I am not going to sit here and say that it isnt working for yourself...

The bolded comment pretty much somes up alot of the fitness industry atm - every man and his dog are into fitness now and there are 2 common trends that I see -

1. People either jump on steroids straight off the bat to be shredded brah
2. People think eating "junk food" is cool and "fitting it into their calories" is cool

All I see on fb/twitter/instagram is the above shit - yes there are alot of people having great results - thats mainly due to reason 1 but fuck no1 just eats clean, trains hard and stfu anymore...

When I see people saying yay get to have 300ml of ice-cream coz it fits in my calories - why not have a extra steak instead or have the fucking steak and then the ice-cream...

Fitness has become a "fade" and within it are a million other fades - the only key thing/s missing is training hard, being focused for the long term and stfu.

When I 1st started training at 14 with one of my mates (both of us still love training and laugh at all this shit) we were both made to feel outcast because we liked to train and we ate fucking protein bars instead of muesli bars at school and steak with veggies over vegemite sandwiches.

I take my hat off to you oni for keeping it real haha...doesnt mean I like you though hahaha

Clean eating is the biggest fad going around.
Try and get a proper definition of what is clean food is and you will get 100 different versions.

I like to eat some so called not clean foods because they taste good. Couldn't give a fuck what others think.

300ml ice cream, why even bother. And no I'm not eating more steak instead of ice cream because I have already eaten a kg of steak.

What makes protein bars clean? They are a highly processed food.
thats true with fastfoods they put someshit in it that makes you feel hungry and want more of it..
Nothing secret mate. It's the combo of salt, fat and sugar which tastes good and makes you want more.

back to the "poo question." if the poo sticks n stinky (obviously inside the ceramic bowl and is flexible does it mean all the protein is not fully processed ? :o:confused:
Its shit mate. Its normal.