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Is a calorie a calorie


Found this posted on the web, I thought it was intresting

A calorie is a measurement of energy (a matter of physics), not a value judgment on where that energy goes (a matter of biochemistry). As my book Fat Chance explains, you get sick from inappropriate energy storage (in your liver and muscle), not defective energy balance (bigger love handles). Nonetheless, "a calorie is a calorie" continues to be promulgated by the food industry as their defense against their culpability for the current epidemic of obesity and chronic metabolic disease. But it is as dishonest as a three-dollar bill. Here are just four examples that refute this dogma:
1.Fiber. You eat 160 calories in almonds, but you absorb only 130. The fiber in the almonds delays absorption of calories into the bloodstream, delivering those calories to the bacteria in your intestine, which chew them up. Because a calorie is not a calorie.

2.Protein. When it comes to food, you have to put energy in to get energy out. You have to put twice as much energy in to metabolize protein as you do carbohydrate; this is called the thermic effect of food. So protein wastes more energy in its processing. Plus protein reduces hunger better than carbohydrate. Because a calorie is not a calorie.

3.Fat. All fats release nine calories per gram when burned. But omega-3 fats are heart-healthy and will save your life, while trans fats clog your arteries, leading to a heart attack. Because a calorie is not a calorie.

4.Sugar. This is the "big kahuna" of the "big lie." Sugar is not one chemical. It's two. Glucose is the energy of life. Every cell in every organism on the planet can burn glucose for energy. Glucose is mildly sweet, but not very interesting (think molasses). Fructose is an entirely different animal. Fructose is very sweet, the molecule we seek. Both burn at four calories per gram. If fructose were just like glucose, then sugar or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) would be just like starch. But fructose is not glucose. Because a calorie is not a calorie.

Up until now, scientists have shown that sugar is "associated" or "correlated" with various chronic metabolic diseases. For instance, the increase in sugar consumption over the past 30 years paralleled the increase in obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Areas that drink more soda (e.g., the American Southeast) experience higher prevalences of these diseases. But correlation is not causation.

Which direction do the data go? Does sugar cause obesity and metabolic disease? Or do obese people with metabolic disease drink soda? You can't tell, because you only have one point in time -- the snapshot, not the movie. In the February 27 issue of the journal PLoS One, my colleagues Dr. Sanjay Basu, Paula Yoffe, Nancy Hills and I put this issue to rest, because we now have the movie.[1]

We asked the question, "What in the world's food supply explains diabetes rates, country-by-country, over the last decade?" We melded databases from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOSTAT), which measures food availability, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), which measures diabetes prevalence, the World Bank World Development Economic Indicators, and the World Health Organization Global Infobase. We assessed total calories; meat (protein); oils (fat); cereals (glucose); pulses, nuts, vegetables, roots, and tubers (fiber); fruit excluding wine (natural sugar); and sugar, sugarcrops, and sweeteners (added sugar). We controlled for poverty, urbanization, aging, and most important, obesity and physical activity.

Bottom line -- only changes in sugar availability explained changes in diabetes prevalence worldwide; nothing else mattered.

Total caloric availability was unrelated to diabetes prevalence; for every extra 150 calories per day, diabetes prevalence rose by only 0.1 percent. But if those 150 calories per day happened to be a can of soda, diabetes prevalence rose 11-fold, by 1.1 percent (and Americans on average consume the added sugar equivalent of 2.5 cans of soda per day, so that's 2.75 percent!). And this effect of sugar was exclusive of obesity; controlling for body mass index did not negate the effect. Even more important, we showed that the change in sugar availability preceded the change in diabetes (that's cause, not effect); and we showed directionality -- those countries where sugar availability rose showed increases in diabetes, while those where sugar availability fell showed decreases in diabetes. This is a very robust signal, with little noise. While epidemiology can't prove scientific causation, the data allow for objective inference. Sugar drives diabetes worldwide, and unrelated to its calories.

When you do the math, fully one-quarter of the world's diabetes is explained by sugar alone.

The food industry has contaminated the American food supply with added sugar to "sell more product" and thereby uphold their Wall Street mandate to increase profits. Of the 600,000 food items in the American grocery store, 80 percent have been spiked with added sugar; and the industry uses 56 other names for sugar on the label. They know when they add sugar, you buy more. And because you do not know you're buying it, you buy even more.

The outcome: By the year 2050, one-third of all Americans will have diabetes. Trustees of the Medicare program predict that Medicare will be broke by 2024. No health care for you. Yet just six weeks ago, Coca-Cola had the temerity to introduce its two-minute ad "Coming Together," in which they say: "All calories count" because a calorie is a calorie; if you're fat, it's your fault (they claim no culpability); and because they make non-caloric drinks, they're part of the solution. The problem is that a calorie is not a calorie; if non-caloric drinks are the solution, then by inference they're saying that caloric drinks are the problem.

Sugar in excess is a toxin, unrelated to its calories. The dose determines the poison. Like alcohol, a little sugar is fine, but a lot is not. And the food industry has put us way over our limit.

The food industry will summon their spin doctors. They will yet again argue that the statistics are wrong, the interpretation is too broad -- but they will not be able to effectively refute the science. They haven't yet, and they won't succeed now. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it's shining brightly on the food industry's practices. They will continue the propaganda, and try to sow the seeds of doubt. But they will be on the losing end of this battle. The UK and Australia have just this past week laid down stricter guidelines for sugar consumption. The people and scientists of the United States are onto them as well. It's just a matter of time before the politicians follow.

Robert H. Lustig, M.D., is Professor of Pediatrics at UCSF, and President of the Institute for Responsible Nutrition (responsiblefoods.org), at which the Doctors' Food Project is the first campaign. He is currently getting his Masters in Studies of Law at UC Hastings College of the Law. His YouTube lecture, "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" has been viewed over 3 million times. His book, Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease (Hudson Street Press, 2012), is in bookstores now.


[1] The relationship of sugar to population-level diabetes prevalence: an econometric analysis of repeated cross-sectional data. Basu S, Yoffe P, Hills N, Lustig RH. PLoS One Epub Feb 27, 2013
I think protein is the most important thing really
Aim for 2g/lb in body weight so if you're 90kg then you want 400g of protein a day
After that calories is the most important. You know how many calories a day you need so I won't give guidelines you eat more fats or carbs to get big and less of them to lean out
After that macros.... some people do better on higher fats and some on higher carbs. Carbs kill my appetite so I don't eat them apart from maybe ice cream last thing at night lol. Goes down very easy and I have eaten everything for the day, not really the best time to eat carbs as you dehydrate as you sleep so it will just sit there in small intestine until you wake up and drink water
Bringing to my last point is nutrient timing. The 1% really you won't notice this until you're very lean and big

For most people they don't need to worry about if a calorie is a calorie or not... I only count grams of protein I don't know anyone that logs everything lol it's silly and I don't have an accountant to follow me around tracking this shit I just know that the bag of chicken wings I am about to eat = 360g of protein which is all I need for the day and I am good. If I need more calories then I will just eat mince instead or if I need less I have beef ribs or opt for a protein shake instead of food at lunch.
Lol at correlation equals causation...

Every morning I wake up.... And the sun rises too...

Therefore the sun must rise because I get up...
I think protein is the most important thing really
Aim for 2g/lb in body weight so if you're 90kg then you want 400g of protein a day
After that calories is the most important. You know how many calories a day you need so I won't give guidelines you eat more fats or carbs to get big and less of them to lean out
After that macros.... some people do better on higher fats and some on higher carbs. Carbs kill my appetite so I don't eat them apart from maybe ice cream last thing at night lol. Goes down very easy and I have eaten everything for the day, not really the best time to eat carbs as you dehydrate as you sleep so it will just sit there in small intestine until you wake up and drink water
Bringing to my last point is nutrient timing. The 1% really you won't notice this until you're very lean and big

For most people they don't need to worry about if a calorie is a calorie or not... I only count grams of protein I don't know anyone that logs everything lol it's silly and I don't have an accountant to follow me around tracking this shit I just know that the bag of chicken wings I am about to eat = 360g of protein which is all I need for the day and I am good. If I need more calories then I will just eat mince instead or if I need less I have beef ribs or opt for a protein shake instead of food at lunch.

not sure if serious?

400g? most would come out your rear end i think. the guidelines are based on LMB not total weight either.

Me personally, I log everything that goes into my mouth, Even if its 2 chips.

I probably don't need to be so pedantic about it but its now habit and takes 5 min a day..

You say drop fat and carbs to lean out? why not just reduce calories? if of course a calorie is not just a calorie?
not sure if serious?

400g? most would come out your rear end i think. the guidelines are based on LMB not total weight either.

Me personally, I log everything that goes into my mouth, Even if its 2 chips.

I probably don't need to be so pedantic about it but its now habit and takes 5 min a day..

You say drop fat and carbs to lean out? why not just reduce calories? if of course a calorie is not just a calorie?

Same here myfitnesspal does the trick for me and makes logging very easy.
not sure if serious?

400g? most would come out your rear end i think. the guidelines are based on LMB not total weight either.

Me personally, I log everything that goes into my mouth, Even if its 2 chips.

I probably don't need to be so pedantic about it but its now habit and takes 5 min a day..

You say drop fat and carbs to lean out? why not just reduce calories? if of course a calorie is not just a calorie?

Because from a psychological point of view it's far easier.
I eat my face off all the time. I hate being hungry. What is easier eating small meals or just loading up the 95% lean ground beef and making a badass chili just going nuts? lol
Carbs make you hold water as well, so less bloat makes you look better

I don't take many shits and I find that the higher I push protein while eating for fat loss the more gluconeogenesis I get which keeps my glycogen in the muscles full- but NOT liver glycogen keeping me in ketosis
Because from a psychological point of view it's far easier.
I eat my face off all the time. I hate being hungry. What is easier eating small meals or just loading up the 95% lean ground beef and making a badass chili just going nuts? lol
Carbs make you hold water as well, so less bloat makes you look better

I don't take many shits and I find that the higher I push protein while eating for fat loss the more gluconeogenesis I get which keeps my glycogen in the muscles full- but NOT liver glycogen keeping me in ketosis

What is the best time to eat my 30 grams of daily carbs r you saying just before bed is good? So when I get up in the morning I have energy to do session of cardio?
Fat and protein are the most important things to be consuming but eating a balanced diet is the main thing - I think with alot of things in life though the common sense approach is always the best - eat good, healthy, balanced foods/meals, train hard and sometimes enjoy yourself and let go with your eating.

There are 2 many fades and different approachs to eating these days and people just have no idea what to follow/what to do - when really all you need to be doing is using some common sense - which is easier said than done as most people these days seem to have missed this gene at birth.
400g of protein a day? fk me.... do you shit mate? Good luck with your digestive system health down the track... wheres the fibre in a 400g a day protein diet?

Would need to be downing psyllium husk like no tomorrow and drinking 10L of water a day to keep your body passing that amount of protein comfortably.
1g - 1.5g protein per pound of bodyweight is plenty for a natural athlete/lifter....no need to go above that....

I am 105kg and I aim for about 230-250g of protein a day...

Its honestly just a waste consuming 400g of protein @ 90kg
yes, I try and get 180g protein per day, 2g per kilo.

Would I get any further benefit eating 4.5g per kilo, me doubt it very much
I'm now sitting at 98 (around 80 of that lean according to my last dexa). I've dropped around 7kg through doing a leangains style IF, trying to consume all or most of my carbs around training. I'm shooting for 220g+ a day in protein. That over 2.5g/kg of lean body mass. And I'm not trying to bulk either. I've managed 260-270 on training days without trying too hard.

I'm not consuming this much protein because I somehow believe all of that dietary protein will become muscle.

I reckon there is benefit to super high protein:
1) satiety - if you are eating low carb for instance, a big serve of lean protein certainly fills you up. I don't find it hard to eat a meal with 100g of protein in one sitting, particularly if it's just with a side of steamed greens - it's actually very satisfying.
2) once you take into account the thermic effect, each gram of protein is really 3 calories, so you can eat more for less overall caloric intake.

Obviously fibre is a big concern, but I reckon Oni is in the best position to know whether he is shitting regularly or not.

400g is a lot and I don't think I could do it, but it's clearly working for Oni.
I am too lazy to look this up, but if Oni is on a cut, higher protein in my eyes (greater than 2g/kg) is the way to go. 400g is massive though, my arse wouldn't be able to handle that
Good luck to anyone who wants to eat 400g of protein per day, I prefer to save my money and stay healthy.
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