I basically did this program because of what I percieved as a flaw in most programs.
The problems arent so uch the programs, its the end user.
There are far too many variables.
attitude, atmosphere, work commitments.
Everyone wants to be stronger, but some people work 2-3 jobs, others train with muppets around them.
This program eliminates items that can be influenced by others.
every single weight, rep and set is pre laid out. No thinking, just do it. You will end up stronger, its a given. The only way you can end up weaker is by not following it and making up excuses.
there will be days when you cant do the assistance exercises. Doesnt matter, just do 5 sets of the base lift. You can actually do that in 15-20 minutes. So if you've had a shit day at work, 20 minutes lifting heavy weights and your done.
Guys at ns.com are going great on it, lifters from PTC are killing it, and going through journals here shows that everyone is progressing well.
I knew it would work if people stick to the principles, but I must admit there are quite a few who have done even better than I thought.
One guy is Simmo, his lifts pre PPP were ordinary, so ordinary I really cant recall them exactly, something like 130/80/160.
Six weeks in he's at 160/107.5/210.
That shits f u c k e d up.
He's had to keep resetting his goal weight.
All along he has dropped over 9kg in bodyweight