a good bodybuilder is most likely going to be a strong motherfucker as well.especially on bench.
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I agree with that.
lol let your jealousy over ride your logic.If goosey was a bodybuilding competitor who had gotten into great shape and actually won things then ill stfu.But if hes the guy in the video then he looks like he doesnt train and he uses weight that is pussy.ive seen untrained men in better shape than that.
I look pretty shit for 57
a good bodybuilder is most likely going to be a strong motherfucker as well.especially on bench.
I look pretty shit for 57
you are also quite welcome to try 95 pounds on this machine I’ll even video it
of course you would agree.its me saying it thats why, and i would get agreement from 99% of the strength world.its only here with sub 120 kg squats and sub 160 kg deadlifts that im getting dissension.its equal here,as im often reminded,kunts who have never stepped on stage or the platform have equal say due to the fact they dont like being told otherwise.
Are you on medication? If your not, then you should be.
i would crush it with ease,ive gotten compliments on my lats from a number of people.hmm ill video my next back workout if u like.5 plate hammer rows maybe?might have to wait a little as i really wanna deadlift,im sick of fucking around.
Many BBers don't touch Bench. Bench is notorious for causing shoulder problems and it puts the individual in an awkward fixed position. For these reasons many BBers opt for Dumbells over Bench Press. Bench Press is not a natural movement because the barbell requires the shoulder girdle to stay in a fixed position, whereas dumbells allow the rotator cuff much more free range movement.
Not all BBers lift heavy weight, they are about isolating muscles and tearing down as many fibres as possible, getting really deep into the muscle belly and destroying it in order to get maximum re-growth with extra size.
Don’t worry Goosey, he’s just a fat shit, weak too.
why?im only speaking the truth here son and as i say its only small parts of the net that would disagree.dont care if you switch to ad hominem attacks as you re a nobody.
Incorrect, your speaking what you "yourself" think is "right". Just because you think something is right, does not mean it is actually "right". There are other opinions in this world that differ to your own opinions, you must realise that its not just you that has an opinion. You need to stop thinking your right all the time, cause your not always right.
Talking to you and trying to make sense of things is like talking to a 5 year old boy, seriously. I can reason and discuss things easier with a 5 year old child than with you. You have physcological issues, i'm also guessing that this effects you elsewhere in your life as well.
Pharmacy out of meds today?
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