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I don't anymore but I did. I wasn't getting defensive. I'm perfectly aware of it's shotcomings. People that make up shit about it, or anything for that matter, annoy me.
looks like i'll be posting in this thread more now i joined a commercial gym yesterday with the missus as she hates training in the garage. first session today and it wasnt too bad at all nothing much to report
lately been seeing a lot more young fellas coming in since ive started going at nighttime now, two kids who look around 18 brought another newbie in anyway they get their friend to do some preacher curls mind you im not kidding when i say this kids arm would have been lucky to be 8" i felt sorry for him when he was struggling to do curls when there was 6.5kg on each end of the e-z bar
This morning I saw a fairly large/overweight girl tell a man that he couldn't jump into the squat rack because she wasnt finished her deadlifts.
Then the look on her face when he went away, came back with a bar and just jumped in anyways.

I think she was more annoyed that he was blocking her view of the mirror....

It's pretty good that the fat chic was doing deadlifts, beats going on the exercise bikes or whatever. Not sure what she'd need a squat rack for though.
A guy with a pirate head scarf pacing up & down psyching himself up for about 20 mins, doing about 8 chin ups then leaving.
I can't see anything deleted in this thread the past 2 days. Stop making things up.

lol wut?

i replied to deeps comment and it got deleted.. kungfoogoo replied to my comment and that got deleted.....

making things up, just like crossfit
lol wut?

i replied to deeps comment and it got deleted.. kungfoogoo replied to my comment and that got deleted.....

making things up, just like crossfit
Not it this thread. You talking about the other thread?