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did she train or just walk around in the weights area?

does it matter?:)

but srsly, i was just walking out and she just walked in.

actually now that i think about it, theres 2 girls that look like that, except the other one actually has abs haha. Ill try find her using the gym's facebook :P
Yeah good thanks mate. I think I end going slightly more 'technical' than I wanted but, I can't help myself :D

Had a good turn out and hopefully made things a little clearer for all that attended.
good to hear. lol i would imagine you just going on basic things then in the middle just get lost in your story and talking about very advanced nutrition and end up on your experiences at fernwood
good to hear. lol i would imagine you just going on basic things then in the middle just get lost in your story and talking about very advanced nutrition and end up on your experiences at fernwood

You got it wrong Liam. It was all about his experiences at fernwood.
that and this -
that and this -

Part of me just died.

Today, on a bright note (from an observation point of view; from a more personal point of view my testicles retracted when this happened), I worked in with a woman doing weighted pull ups, and she made me look like pussy.

On a much more soniamdisappoint.jpg note, two women came into the freeweight area (so far so good) and then occupied the space with fitballs. FFS there's a great big wide open space for fitballs, but apparently they needed to bring the fitballs over into the real lifting area, effectively preventing half the people from using the area, so that they could use the barbie weights. *glare*