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Lol nice. Isn't pb personal best? Doesn't mean powerlifting means telling people your new pb's.
And his 100kg "close" grip bench press was a PB for him.
Test your 1RM every couple months? That sounds more frequent than most powerlifters I know. Funny that.

On Saturday I benched 95kg. I recall that being a PB. I look forward to the hatemail.
And his 100kg "close" grip bench press was a PB for him.

Test your 1RM every couple months? That sounds more frequent than most powerlifters I know. Funny that.

On Saturday I benched 95kg. I recall that being a PB. I look forward to the hatemail.

Bah I'm over it it's like talking to a retarded monkey. I'm saying it's not a close grip so how can he claim a pb when it's a friggin regular grip bench? And judging by the amount of shit I've read in here it seems people test 1rm every other week.
Also I wasn't referring to me testing 1rm's every couple months I never test 1rm's was referring to others I know.

What are your best lifts? Squat, bench, overhead press and deadlift

It's close grip relative to his standard grip. Regardless, it's a PB for him with that grip, whatever terminology you want to use to describe the grip position.

For the frequent posters in this thread, a large number of PB's are not 1RM's. You'll see lots of 2-3 rep PB's, some 5's, and even some 10-20RM's. And even PB singles aren't necessarily 1RM's.
What are your best lifts? Squat, bench, overhead press and deadlift

Can't remember the last time I tried a 1rm but lately...
Bench 120x5
Squat 110x8
DL 180x5
OHP fuck knows only do db press 30 keg db's for 10
Can't remember the last time I tried a 1rm but lately...
Bench 120x5
Squat 110x8
DL 180x5
OHP fuck knows only do db press 30 keg db's for 10

You should probably stop insulting people's strength considering I outlift you on everything but bench and weigh considerably less
Lol all I fucking said was that's not a close grip bench, and dreadlift my pic was taken over a year ago.
Lol this made me laugh.. Good work dicko

[MENTION=895]Shrek[/MENTION]; I second the above notion that we have a new candidate for kunce squad... He is certainly kunty... How about Troll Kunce?
he is as weak as he is a troll.
Back on topic Kunce

Just squatted 142.5kg - up 2.5kg on my previous best... Not a massive number compared to some but not bad given I'm 6kg lighter than when I squatted 140kg. That also makes it over double BW so pretty happy..

Missed an attempt at 145kg also.
As I'm tiny and will always suck at bench, this is hardly worth a mention but it's a huge jump for me.

Got a new bench 1RM PB tonight: 46kg at 47kg bw.

Couldn't quite lock out a bonus 47kg attempt but it's not far off

That's 5kg better than my last 1RM so training has obviously paid off

Celebrating with cannoli