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So far a good week

120 x 3 paused on bench
40 x 10, db presses
and not a PB, but 140 x 10 deads, hopefully my body doesnt winge too much, and i can get back into them..
Another pb tonight.
Front squat 92.5x5. Finally getting the hang of these. Dedicated to them now.
Also highbar squat 80kg x 25. Up 5 reps. Felt sick after that.

try some 100 reppers then

I'll have to check my log but I believe I got to 70 or 75kgx100. Was aiming to get to BWx100.
Nah thats absurd.
Thats just a mental workout at those rep ranges. Could you even walk the next day or two? I mean thats my volume done in one set almost.

With those high rep sets, you have to break it down in your head! If im doing 100 of something, ill break it into 10 x 10s without stopping. When i do the 21 burpees, i break it into 7 3's, just to keep the brain working and concentrating on counting, rather than the pain.
Bloody awesome.

How have you been training deads in the lead up to this.

Been running the Cube but the last month just doing heavy singles haven't done any heavy rep work this training cycle. Think my heaviest rep work was 260kg for a couple of triples.
try some 100 reppers then

I'll have to check my log but I believe I got to 70 or 75kgx100. Was aiming to get to BWx100.

Yeah I remember that thread and decided that I'd do body weight for 100 reps as that challenge

I think I did one rep and racked it
Man I thought that strength gains would come easy when I got bigger
But it's still the same uphill struggle as always
I dunno why Rip recommends stupid shit like GOMAD and 9000kcal a day for beginners it's the most retarded thing ever