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Awesome..... Except for the drop!

Looked like an opener mate. I think 225-230 would have been in the ball park.
Awesome..... Except for the drop!

Looked like an opener mate. I think 225-230 would have been in the ball park.

Thanks man. The drop was just being lazy
Went and did my full sheiko day 2 straight after haha. Everything fely easy tonight. One of those days.
Thanks, my opener at states was 170, so was happy with that. Your deadlift looked easy, just be careful adding too much to sheiko, i added heaps of benching and ended up with a minor elbow issue, nothing major but was a good wake up call.
I dont intend to add any more to be honest. Was just in need of a motivational kick. its nice to see my program is working well.
I'll be in the 82.5's, was in the 90's at states at 83.2 lol, just won't eat breakfast the day before and i should make weight.

Going to wrap for Nats?
Bench- 155kg 1rep @ 96kg
Bench- 150kg 2reps @ 82kg
Squat- 160kg 4reps @ 82kg
Deadlift- 165kg 1rep @ 82kg

I will really work on my deadlift in my next bulk.
Does anyone have any tips on increasing my deads?
My grip strength is quiet weak and lower back is weak as well.

Lots of deads.
Thanks sticky. yeah squats and deads are weak. Give me 6 months and ill push out some big numbers though. If my 1 rep max bench is 155kg would should my deads and squats be at?\

Hahaha thanks Bazza
It's hard to compare, but you should be squatting 240+ and pulling at least that if you can bench 155, but it all comes down to levers and what you spend the most time training. Is that a paused bench, to the chest, or touch and go?
Hi ikt and sticky. It's a touch and go. But I could pause if I wanted to. That's raw with no bench shirt, belt or anything. Hmm ill work on squating and deadlifting to 180kg first. 180kg squat should be gtg on a good day, but the deadlifting will definitely be a struggle. That's my next 3 month goal.

Thanks guys
I'll be in the 82.5's, was in the 90's at states at 83.2 lol, just won't eat breakfast the day before and i should make weight.

Going to wrap for Nats?

Looks that way mate. Wasnt going to at first...but the urge to post a 500+ total asap is strong. Ha. I think id get it full raw, but lets guarantee it.
Make sure you get some practice in, and make sure whoever wraps you on the day does it the same way you trained with. Makes a big difference!