For us hobbyists, when can we consider ourselves to have a strong enough base to start incorporating speed / dynamic work?
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For us hobbyists, when can we consider ourselves to have a strong enough base to start incorporating speed / dynamic work?
I feel bench is by FAR my weakest lift. I'll get a 160 squat soon so that's ok, but I'm MILES away from a 125kg bench.
I always get the bar off my chest, but fail in the 1st half of the lift.
I've just started speed bench with just a barbell (50kg, 45% 1rm) as I haven got bands or chains as yet.
Am I going in the right direction?
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I have to 100% respectfully disagree with your statement.
You develop explosive power by becoming stronger (not using momentum to lift the weight). Rep speed should be one that is safe enough for you to control the weight and have the muscles do the work through the entire range of motion. By bouncing or dropping a weight gravity and momentum have done the work - not you (the muscles). The amount of weight you use has no correlation as to how strong you can become if the exercise isn't being done effectively - it's just numbers (weight and reps) that you are measuring and not what is actually happening to the body. Reduce your weight by 25% - used a control speed of movement where there are pauses in teh beginning and end of the movement and you feel the difference. No, you will not use as much weight but the target muscles will do all the work and that's what anyone who is searching for strength wants to accomplish. That's why the question "how much can ya bench?" means nothing.
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Let me ask this:
If you are trainee without any specific training goals other then strength and fitness (which in and of itself is all you should be training for, IMO) as compared to bulking, power lifting, football, Highland Games, etc., should you sample/pick from a couple of different modalities? Should you do a basic power type routine based on the press, clean, and squat? Should you do some body weight stuff like chins and dips? What about some power body building using the bench, squat, dead lift, and row? the 3 x 3 workout for metabolic conditioning. You also could throw in the occasional odd object stuff like the Farmer's walk and its ilk.
Should those things be done seperately, in combination, or some other shape or form?