Cum Shot
Bukkake Kunce
Where do you get these naked burritos from?
You can find them standing on street corners, usually at night time and back alley lane ways.
Where do you get these naked burritos from?
4th November Pull Workout 84.9kg
Wide Grip Pullups 8,8,8
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Row 60kg 8,8,8
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 32.5kg 8,7,6
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 6,5,4
Neutral Grip Chinups 6,6,5
Seated Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls 16kg each 6,4,4
Dumbbell Row 46kg each 6,6,5
Weighted Side Bends 25kg 8,8,8
Really awesome workout today, kept my heart rate really high by keeping rest between sets to a minimum. Avg heart rate of 134 for the session is pretty high by[img]
Also took a progress shot, got a great pump but still too much body fat for decent definition
1 Scoop Mesomorph
Bullet Proof Coffee
Lunch (1200)
80g Biltong
150g mozzarella caprese salad
3 fish oil caps
5g creatine
(1600) 30g WPC in full cream milk
(1930) Peri peri chicken breast
50g cashews
3g of fibre 33g net carbs
Where do you get these naked burritos from? Do you make them yourself?
Today's prescription was day 1 of my barbell overhead press linear progression. Which is meant to be 5 set of 5 reps at 60kg but I felt well off the boil and only managed the single rep at 60kg before needing to dial it back to 55kg to squeeze out the 5 sets, this is a significant drop in strength from my last heavy press session on 21/10.
I actually felt the weakest in my core and nearly toppled over backwards when I got my 60kg press overhead. Pretty sure I can put the drop down to low calories for the past couple of days and some really heavy lifting on Thursday and Saturday. Did manage to drop 1.5kg overnight so the calorie deficit is paying off
Considering my strength was a little bit lacking I decided to go high volume and keep the rests periods brief.
5th November Push Workout 83.4kg
Barbell Overhead Press
20kg 6
30kg 2
40kg 1
60kg 1
55kg 3,3,2,2
30kg - 10,9,6
20kg - 7,8 (these 5 sets were meant to be boring but big)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 5,4,4
EZ Bar Front Raise 22.5kg 8,6,6
EZ Bar Upright Row 22.5kg 10,10,10
Straight Arm Lateral Raise 10kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Seated Press 16kg each 8,8,8
Dumbbell Pullover 28kg 6,6,6
Obviously disappointed with the pressing but feel like I made up for it with some big volume
6th November Legs Workout 84.5kg
Barbell Back Squats
20kg 10
60kg 1,1
90kg 4,4,4,4
Barbell Front Squats 40kg 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 40kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 100kg 8,8,8
Calf Raise 70kg 8,8,8
So based of the information in the below 2 videos featuring tom purvis I decided to use today's legs sessions to slightly recalibrate my squat technique with increased width in my stance and (ideally) a more upright position at the bottom of the lift.
This should more directly target the quads and put less strain on my lower back.
I took some vids of my squatting this morning so I'll post them up when I've had a chance to edit them.
8th November Pull Workout 84.5kg
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +40kg 2 +30kg 3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 5,3,3
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 8,5,5
Neutral Grip Chinups 8,8,6
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 6,5,5
Lat Pulldown 65kg 8 59kg 8,8,8
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,6,6
Killed it, vid incoming too
9th November Arms and Abs Workout 84.5kg
Barbell Bicep Curl 40kg 5,4,3
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 8,6,6
Seated Incline Hammer Curls 18kg each 6,5,4
Weighted Decline Sit Up 20kg 10,8,8
EZ Bar Preacher Curl 17.5kg 10x7
Weighted Side Bends 30kg 10,6,6
Knee Raise 8,8,8
Cable Bicep Curl 12.5kg each 10,5,5
11th November Push Workout
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +40kg 3,2,2
Barbell Overhead Press 40kg 6,6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 32.5kg 7,5,4
EZ Bar Tricep Extension 22.5kg 12,10,10
Dumbbell Pullovers 28kg 8,8,8
Barbell Close Grip Bench Press 60kg 8,6,6
Bodyweight Dips 5,5,4
12th November Legs Workout 83.6kg
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats
20kg 6
60kg 1,1
80kg 1
90kg 1
100kg 1
120kg 1,1,1
100kg 3,3,3
Barbell Front Squats 50kg 5,4,4
Barbell Good Mornings 50kg 8,8,8
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 100kg 10,10,10 (accidentally grabbed the bar mixed grip for my 2nd set)
Calf Raise 70kg 10,10,10 50kg 10,10,10
Awesome workout today, experimented with a wider stance and the low bar position and felt a great deal more powerful in the lift.
On my second set at 120kg the bar slipped off my shoulder blades but I managed to save the lift without too much hassle.
Within 3 months I should be up to the big mick standard 180kg no worriesjust kidding obviously but I do feel like I've got some serious potential in my squatting numbers with this new technique.
13th November Pull Workout 82.9kg
Wide Grip Pullups 18,4,5
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Row 60kg 7,7,7
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 10,10,10
Double Underhand Grip Chinups 8,6,6
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 6,5,4
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 32.5kg 8,6,5
Dumbbell Row 40kg each 8,5,5
Weighted Side Bends 25kg 8,8,8
Decent workout today, feeling a bit flat and run down overall though plus I've been having very restless nights sleep on Saturday and Sunday night.
I've been hitting the stims pretty hard and obviously training pretty hard too so I think I'm on the cusp of adrenal fatigue and over training. With all that in mind gonna take a mini stim detox and use that as an opportunity for some well earned deloading workouts. Should be back tearing it up by Friday![]()
14th November Deloading Push Workout 82.9kg
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 5,5,5
Dumbbell Overhead Press 20kg each 5,5,5
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 27.5kg 4,4,4
Dumbbell Pullovers 20kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 7,7,7
Tricep Extension (using plate only) 20kg 6,6,6
15th November Cardio Workout 83.4kg
366 calories burnt
27:32 duration
Heart rate average - 146
Heart rate max - 196
2km treadmill run in 9:00 (pace 4:30 p/km)
2km bike in 4:19 (7/30 resistance)
500m row in 2:19 (1/10 resistance)
Nice session this morning, very proud of myself for hitting pb speed on the treadmill.
Now today is a 24 hour fast until 17:00
Mesomorph has 60 cals???Training:
1 Scoop Mesomorph
4g Beta Alanine
Bullet Proof Coffee
Lunch (11:00)
Homemade naked burrito with beef cheddar and salad
5g creatine
3 fish oil caps
Snack (15:00) 4 hours later to maximise MPS
40g WPC in semi skim milk
Dinner (19:00) 4 hours later to maximise MPS
280g sirloin with salad
8g of fibre 32g net carbs
Mesomorph has 60 cals???
16th November Deloading Legs Workout 83.4kg
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats 60kg 4,4,4
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 80kg 6,6,6
Barbell Front Squats 20kg 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 30kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 10kg 4,4,5
Calf Raise 30kg 10,10,10
Had some spare time at the end of the workout so I did some extra low bar squats to do some extra work on my technique because it's a relatively new addition to my routine.
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats 40kg 5,5,5,5
17th November Deloading Pull Workout 82.8kg
Wide Grip Pullups 4,4,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Row 40kg 6,6,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 80kg 6,6,6
Decline Situps 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 17.5kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Row 28kg each 5,5,5
Seated Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls 12kg 5,5,5
Lat Pulldown 45kg 6,6,6
18th November Push Workout 82.9kg
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 3
80kg 1,1
100kg 1,1,1
105kg 1
90kg 2,2,2
Barbell Overhead Press 40kg 6,6,6,6
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 18kg each 6,6,5
Dumbbell Pullover 30kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Bench Press 26kg each 8,6,6,6
20th November Upper Body Workout 83.7kg
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 5,5,5
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Row 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
Neutral Grip Chinups 6,6,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
Dips 4,4,4
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 27.5kg 8,7,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg 6,5,5
Seated Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls 16kg 5,5,5
Was meant to do a heavy legs session this morning but wasn't feeling 100% so decided to do some upper body stuff instead.
21st November Legs Workout 83.7kg
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats
20kg 6
60kg 1
80kg 1,1
120kg 2,1,1
100kg 3,3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 160kg 3,2,2,2
Barbell Front Squats 50kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 50kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Annoying workout this morning, some gimp was using the platform (wooden floorboards) squat rack so I had to use one with rubber matting underneath which is annoying because it has a fair bit of give and leads to an unpleasant uneasy feeling. Then 2 minutes before I was about to shift to the deadlifting platform the same gimp moved there to do 3 rep sets of 60kg sumo deadlifts.
Was also left a little bit hollow by not being able to push out more reps of 120kg squats, was hoping for a 3 rep set but alas I guess I'm still getting accustomed to the low bar setup. Overall volume was pretty satisfying even with the low rep ranges.
Just gotta keep on keeping on.
22nd November Pull Workout 83.3kg
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +40kg 3,2,2
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 5,4,4
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 8,6,6
Weighted Neutral Grip Chinups +20kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 6,5,4
Lat Pulldown 59kg 8,8,8
23rd November Arms and Abs Workout 83.3kg
Barbell Bicep Curl 45kg 4,3,3
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 10,6,6
Seated Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 4,4,4
Weighted Decline Sit Up 30kg 3 24kg 4,3
EZ Bar Preacher Curl 22.5kg 10,10,10 17.5kg 10,10,10,10
Weighted Side Bends 30kg 10,6,6
Knee Raise 8,8,8
24th November Cardio Workout 83.7kg
330 calories burnt
20:05 duration
Heart rate average - 166
Heart rate max - 187
Distance - 3.8km
Pace - 5:17 min/km
25th November Push Workout 82.8kg
Barbell Overhead Press
20kg 10
30kg 3,3
40kg 1,1
60kg 1
55kg 3,3,3
60kg 1
30kg - 10,10,8,7,6 (boring but big)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 6,4,4
EZ Bar Front Raise 25kg 8,7,6
EZ Bar Upright Row 25kg 10,10,10
Straight Arm Lateral Raise 10kg each 5,5,5
Dumbbell Seated Press 16kg each 10,10,7
Realised what I've been doing wrong with my pressing and not been able to progress. Not leaning back enough, now before the strict form police come in here and tell me everything that's wrong with that, I understand that it decreases the load on the anterior deltoids while incorporating some pectoral activation. However for the purposes of increasing the power in the lift I'm going to aim for the old powerlifting style of pressing as seen here.
So whilst I was a little bit downtrodden at another heavy press day without progress I'm happy to have made some inroads into understanding why![]()
26th November Legs Workout 82.3kg
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
100kg 5
140kg 1,1
200kg 1 (first was real smooth, went for a second single but failed)
180kg 2,2,2
160kg 3,3
Barbell Squat 75kg 6,6,9,9 (was meant to beDay 2 Linear Progression 9x3 @ 60% 1RM, but I was really gassed after deads and it took me a bit to find my feet)
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Calf Raise 80kg 6,6,6 40kg 40
Got a video of the 200kg Deadlift
27th November Cardio Workout 83.1kg
393 calories burnt
21:47 duration
Heart rate average - 173
Heart rate max - 190
Distance - 4.18km
Pace - 5:13 min/km
My PB in pace is 4:52 so whilst I'm a little way away from that it still feels good to be getting some good Cardio sessions under my belt before doing some water skiing back in aus for xmas.
Best thing about today was the avg heart rate of 173, that kind of intensity pays dividends to health, fitness and strength across the board.
28th November Pull Workout 82.4kg
Weighted Underhand Grip Chinups
Bodyweight 3,3,1
+20kg 1
+60kg failed attempt
+50kg 1
Then my belt broke
Bodyweight 15,10,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 4,4,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 12,12,12,12
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 27.5kg 10,9,7
Straight Bar Wide Grip Pullups 8,7,6
Here's a pic of my broken belt
Have a video of my chins which I'll post up
Was surprised how much different I felt doing rows after chins when I normally do them after pull ups. Technically chins and pulls are both lat exercises but I definitely feel the chins activating the rhomboids more.
16th November Deloading Legs Workout 83.4kg
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats 60kg 4,4,4
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 80kg 6,6,6
Barbell Front Squats 20kg 5,5,5
Barbell Good Mornings 30kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 10kg 4,4,5
Calf Raise 30kg 10,10,10
Had some spare time at the end of the workout so I did some extra low bar squats to do some extra work on my technique because it's a relatively new addition to my routine.
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats 40kg 5,5,5,5
17th November Deloading Pull Workout 82.8kg
Wide Grip Pullups 4,4,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Row 40kg 6,6,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 80kg 6,6,6
Decline Situps 6,6,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 17.5kg 5,5,5
Dumbbell Row 28kg each 5,5,5
Seated Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls 12kg 5,5,5
Lat Pulldown 45kg 6,6,6
18th November Push Workout 82.9kg
Barbell Bench Press
20kg 10
60kg 3
80kg 1,1
100kg 1,1,1
105kg 1
90kg 2,2,2
Barbell Overhead Press 40kg 6,6,6,6
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,6,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 18kg each 6,6,5
Dumbbell Pullover 30kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Bench Press 26kg each 8,6,6,6
20th November Upper Body Workout 83.7kg
Barbell Bench Press 60kg 5,5,5
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Row 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Press 40kg 6,6,6
Neutral Grip Chinups 6,6,6
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
Dips 4,4,4
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 27.5kg 8,7,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 14kg 6,5,5
Seated Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls 16kg 5,5,5
Was meant to do a heavy legs session this morning but wasn't feeling 100% so decided to do some upper body stuff instead.
21st November Legs Workout 83.7kg
Barbell Low Bar Back Squats
20kg 6
60kg 1
80kg 1,1
120kg 2,1,1
100kg 3,3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 160kg 3,2,2,2
Barbell Front Squats 50kg 3,3,3
Barbell Good Mornings 50kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Annoying workout this morning, some gimp was using the platform (wooden floorboards) squat rack so I had to use one with rubber matting underneath which is annoying because it has a fair bit of give and leads to an unpleasant uneasy feeling. Then 2 minutes before I was about to shift to the deadlifting platform the same gimp moved there to do 3 rep sets of 60kg sumo deadlifts.
Was also left a little bit hollow by not being able to push out more reps of 120kg squats, was hoping for a 3 rep set but alas I guess I'm still getting accustomed to the low bar setup. Overall volume was pretty satisfying even with the low rep ranges.
Just gotta keep on keeping on.
22nd November Pull Workout 83.3kg
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +40kg 3,2,2
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 5,4,4
Mixed Grip Barbell Shrug 140kg 8,6,6
Weighted Neutral Grip Chinups +20kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 6,5,4
Lat Pulldown 59kg 8,8,8
23rd November Arms and Abs Workout 83.3kg
Barbell Bicep Curl 45kg 4,3,3
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 10,6,6
Seated Incline Hammer Curls 20kg each 4,4,4
Weighted Decline Sit Up 30kg 3 24kg 4,3
EZ Bar Preacher Curl 22.5kg 10,10,10 17.5kg 10,10,10,10
Weighted Side Bends 30kg 10,6,6
Knee Raise 8,8,8
24th November Cardio Workout 83.7kg
330 calories burnt
20:05 duration
Heart rate average - 166
Heart rate max - 187
Distance - 3.8km
Pace - 5:17 min/km
25th November Push Workout 82.8kg
Barbell Overhead Press
20kg 10
30kg 3,3
40kg 1,1
60kg 1
55kg 3,3,3
60kg 1
30kg - 10,10,8,7,6 (boring but big)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 16kg each 6,4,4
EZ Bar Front Raise 25kg 8,7,6
EZ Bar Upright Row 25kg 10,10,10
Straight Arm Lateral Raise 10kg each 5,5,5
Dumbbell Seated Press 16kg each 10,10,7
Realised what I've been doing wrong with my pressing and not been able to progress. Not leaning back enough, now before the strict form police come in here and tell me everything that's wrong with that, I understand that it decreases the load on the anterior deltoids while incorporating some pectoral activation. However for the purposes of increasing the power in the lift I'm going to aim for the old powerlifting style of pressing as seen here.
So whilst I was a little bit downtrodden at another heavy press day without progress I'm happy to have made some inroads into understanding why![]()
26th November Legs Workout 82.3kg
Mixed Grip Barbell Deadlift
100kg 5
140kg 1,1
200kg 1 (first was real smooth, went for a second single but failed)
180kg 2,2,2
160kg 3,3
Barbell Squat 75kg 6,6,9,9 (was meant to beDay 2 Linear Progression 9x3 @ 60% 1RM, but I was really gassed after deads and it took me a bit to find my feet)
Barbell Good Mornings 60kg 6,6,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Calf Raise 80kg 6,6,6 40kg 40
Got a video of the 200kg Deadlift
27th November Cardio Workout 83.1kg
393 calories burnt
21:47 duration
Heart rate average - 173
Heart rate max - 190
Distance - 4.18km
Pace - 5:13 min/km
My PB in pace is 4:52 so whilst I'm a little way away from that it still feels good to be getting some good Cardio sessions under my belt before doing some water skiing back in aus for xmas.
Best thing about today was the avg heart rate of 173, that kind of intensity pays dividends to health, fitness and strength across the board.
28th November Pull Workout 82.4kg
Weighted Underhand Grip Chinups
Bodyweight 3,3,1
+20kg 1
+60kg failed attempt
+50kg 1
Then my belt broke
Bodyweight 15,10,8
Mixed Grip Barbell Row 100kg 4,4,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Shrug 100kg 12,12,12,12
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 27.5kg 10,9,7
Straight Bar Wide Grip Pullups 8,7,6
Here's a pic of my broken belt
Have a video of my chins which I'll post up
Was surprised how much different I felt doing rows after chins when I normally do them after pull ups. Technically chins and pulls are both lat exercises but I definitely feel the chins activating the rhomboids more.
29th November Cardio Workout 82.4kg
387 calories burnt
23:30 duration
Heart rate average - 167
Heart rate max - 182
Distance - 4.20km
Pace - 5:36 min/km
Fair bit slower than Monday but I don't care about that. Haven't been running much at all recently so not surprising my recovery rate is on the slow side
30th November Push Workout 82.0kg
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +30kg 5,5,5
Barbell Overhead Press 40kg 6,6,6,6
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 35kg 4,4,4
EZ Bar Tricep Extension 30kg 8,6,6
Barbell Close Grip Bench Press 60kg 6,6,6
Dumbbell Pullovers 30kg 8,5,5
Bodyweight Dips 4,4,4