My garage
- Ivanko power bar
- Iron Edge 20kg bar
- Pendlay bush bearing weightlifting bar
- ABC diamond trap bar
- bent ABC U-bar
- Iron Edge 8kg aluminium bar
- el cheapo triceps bar
- el cheapo olympic barbell that is only about 6'5" lol
- full set of Iron Edge 41" power bands
- full set of Iron Edge microbands
- 2x4kg KB, 3x6kg KB, 8kg KB, 10kg KB
- 2x adjustable 32kg KBs
- adjustable DBs I have set up in 10,12.5,15,17.5 and 20kg pairs
- 8kg DBs, 5.5kg DBs (12lbs) then a few sub 2kg pairs
- a GHR
- the power rack obviously
- Gymdirect flat bench
- ab wheel (double)
- 2 x single ab wheel
- 2 foam rollers
- massage stick
- slingshot
- 4x20kg ABC rubber coated plate
- 2x15kg ABC rubber coated plate
- 2x10kg ABC rubber coated plate
- 4x5kg plates
- 4x2.5kg plates
- 2x2kg plates
- 4x1.25kg plates
- 2x1kg plates
- 2x0.5kg plates
- full set of IE premium bumpers
- that shitty platform which has coat hanger hooks to hook bands on
- 1 to 6 board (well just 5 atm the 6 is half finished)
- enough 500x500 rubber mats that i can pile them on top of each other and do box squats, deficit deads, partial deads etc