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After week 1 of #37 I'm not sure if I've gone too light on squats. I've used my actual maxes BTW however I have never squatted with wraps and I plan on doing it now.

Monday's workout was pretty bloody hard but I put that down to the fact that I did the strongman comp on Sunday.

Wednesday's deadlifts all good but at a good intensity for me.

Friday's bench felt relatively easy and squats were easy as. Didn't even bother going to low bar.

Wait and see? I've been told that if I did use wraps I'd already be around the 200kg mark (which was my goal). I know I could just test this but I don't really want to push for a big PR in the middle of a cycle.

if it was me, I would complete this 4 week block as is. For the next block I would add 5-10kg to your max and use wraps.

note though, that you can add/remove an extra set or two if it is too easy or too hard.
I would ideally do that except that it's less than 8 weeks until Nationals and was going to run 32 after 37. Or you mean add 5-10kg for my 32 cycle?

And didn't know that re extra sets. I know it is only a base template but I was thinking that the variable would be the intensity.
Personally I would continue as normal then at the start of 32 I'd hit up some openers with the wraps and base your percentages off them

Intensity can be altered by changing weight, reps or sets
Why not try a 1rm wrapped squat, you will get 5-10kg out of wraps just by looking at them, crank them up and you should get 20-30kg. I hit Pr's in the middle of cycles all the time, all good haha
Why not try a 1rm wrapped squat, you will get 5-10kg out of wraps just by looking at them, crank them up and you should get 20-30kg. I hit Pr's in the middle of cycles all the time, all good haha

Currently because I only have standard plates and a bar that is rated to about 150kg (that I've loaded to 175kg). All new Force USA setup arrives on Monday so I will test with wraps when I finish 37 in 2 weeks

BTW finished deads yesterday at 8pm. Woke up at 4:30am when I rolled over with DOMS haha.
whoops. Already 2 weeks into it. I just went over my current maxes. All seems about right except for the squats which seem a little bit easy. I'll have real maxes in 2 weeks to use for 32 though.
jzpowahz - stick with it and wait it out a little. The first 2 weeks feels light. For many people 70-75% squats is easy. But the fatigue accumulates and 75% will start to feel a lot heavier. I've just done 37 for the first time. The first 2 weeks felt very easy. By the end of week 3, 5 sets of 4 at 75% squats was hard. Squatting week 4 day 1 was very hard and painful - this calls for 3 sets of 2 at 85% then 4 sets of 2 at 80%. When I did doubles at 85%, I felt like I had 1 rep in the tank - ie it was like a 3RM. But this was actually my previous 5RM. I am led to believe this is how it should be.

My bench felt easy right up until Week 4 day 2, but then it caught up with me and I was very sore.
Sheiko is based on accumulated fatigue, i am now coming up to the end of week 7 of the cycle and am really starting to feel it, not only in fatigue but in the joints and mind.

You have to dig deep towards the end, take the first few weeks as they are, you will need it at the end!
Another noob Sheiko question. So I have put in actual maxes for first 37 cycle and into week 3 now and if anything, things seem to be getting easier. As comp is only in a bit over 4 weeks I'll be running 32 after this.

As from what I've read, it is all about the accumulated fatigue of multiple cycles. If I am only running 37 once and it isn't overly difficult, I was thinking of adding some higher intensity work also for the last week of 37 e.g. adding some singles of bench at an extra 5% after the 2x2's. Up the maxes by 5% for the top sets of all squats and deadlifts.

Spritcha was saying that they are just templates and you should adjust to suit but I don't want to go chopping and changing stuff so early if it's not required.