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Sounds almost like torture,
How soon does it start to feel like your being punished? It seems to bring the results in people that finish it though. How many of your blokes run it Scott?

Probably half a dozen guys are on Sheiko full time.

Some of us do it for some lifts, but not others.

It really depends on what works for you, which unfortunately takes years to figure out.

I'm running CMS-MS II for bench, then Diggit 1 for deads (really high intensity), Diggit 2 for squats (medium intensity/med-high volume).

I really hate Diggit 1, but it works really well for my deads.
Week 1 of my 10 week prep was sets of 5 at 250kg from a 60mm deficit :(
Why not run the full CMS bench specialisation cycle Scott?

I like the look of the CMS program I'm running. It's way more volume than I do currently, but not so much that it cuts into running PTC (which takes a LOT of time these days).
I like the look of CMS. It's way more volume than I do currently, but not so much that it cuts into running PTC (which takes a LOT of time these days).

It works well. I'm about to run it again in unison with a downtuned #37 for squats and deads to see if I can't get my ass back into a 3 lift.
#32 will still build strength
I think a lot of people worry about this, they don't want to run #32 as they think they will waste 4 weeks deloading. It's not the case. It's a very slow taper and really only the last week is a deload imo.
With the built up fatigue the lower percentages should feel heavier than they actually are. The trick is to treat them as if they were heavier in your head.

after day 1 of 37 I now understand what you mean :D Numbers on paper are a lot different to the feeling once you get under the bar.
would chins be a viable alternative even though it's not a horizontal row? I did notice that there is basically zero pulling motions. I was doing a set of neutral chins for every rep of bench.
Probably half a dozen guys are on Sheiko full time.

Some of us do it for some lifts, but not others.

It really depends on what works for you, which unfortunately takes years to figure out.

I'm running CMS-MS II for bench, then Diggit 1 for deads (really high intensity), Diggit 2 for squats (medium intensity/med-high volume).

I really hate Diggit 1, but it works really well for my deads.
Week 1 of my 10 week prep was sets of 5 at 250kg from a 60mm deficit :(

I can see by the relentless nature of the program how 90kg would feel extremely heavy for you after a bit of punishment on this program. The push out the other end once it eases up I bet would feel amazing though.
Please enlighten this old bloke and tell me what Diggit 2 is?
The diggit series are a program I've put together, a LOT of the PTC Brisbane lifters run it, including Ricky and myself.

there are f very distinct programs, then a few variants of each one.
Vertical pulls internally rotate the shoulder and leave out the rhomboids. External rotation of the shoulder and training the rhomboids are the entire point of doing rows. I would personally do face pulls and rear delt flies though instead of rows- on Sheiko. The paused deadlifts are going to be great for your lats and you'll find it easier to work the muscles that need working with the face pulls and rear delt flies and without the extra lower back fatigue

Or you can just do rows, nothing really wrong with rows
Cool. Nothing wrong with them but with the limited space I'm working with and the no. of people usually in the gym it's easier to just go and do a couple of chins and I'll do band face pulls or reverse flys I think. Thanks mate.
Ive added rows myself. Every pressing day. So every day then :p

Hi rep stuff. A mix of bent over and single arm DB.
The more your flare your shoulders while rowing the more it hits the delts/postural muscles you need to build to counter all the chest strength you're getting from benching, and the more it resembles a face pull (just done with a barbell).

I did single arm dumbell rows for the longest time to fix my posture... didnt do shit, arms are the opposite of flared during that one (alongside the body)